Reference no: EM133271047
The ways in which individuals with exceptionalities are portrayed in media can have a profound effect on how theyare viewed by society at large. Often, those representations are inaccurate or offensive. The objective of this assignment is to connect what you have learned about various exceptionalities and how you see these groups characterized in cinema and analyze the impact. I have provided a link of films that may include examples of interest to you. You are welcome to use these resources or your own pick.
You are to watch a film or television show which highlights a character with exceptional needs, and then answer the reflective questions provided. You will write a one page, double-spaced report of your findings and opinion about stereotypes in media, and their effects on society's perception of individuals with special needs. The assignment criteria are as follows:
Background and Movie summary
Title of Movie:
Major Theme/Summary:
Exceptionality Presented:
Critical analysis and Implications
How was the individual portrayed as a character first?
How was the exceptionality portrayed, in comparison to what you have learned from the class?
Were there any stereotypes evident? For example, what kinds of messages did you receive about individuals with special needs? Look for verbal and nonverbal messages.
What is your opinion and analysis of the film's main message, as it relates to the class?
What is your opinion on the depiction of a particular exceptionality?
How will this assignment impact your future experiences with individuals with exceptionalities?