Reference no: EM133027427
-. Why is it important to understand management style if you are an HR professional or manager?(e.g., Task Vs. People Centered Style, Participatory, Directing, or Teamwork Styles, Autocratic, Participative, and Free-reign styles, etc.) SHARE three reasons.
-What combinations of management style might you use in each of these situations and why?
-You are considering a major change in the way your company does business. Your staff has an excellent record of achieving goals, and your relationship with them is trusting and supportive.
-Your employees do a great job. A situation has developed in which you need to make quick decisions and finish a project by the end of the week.
-Your employees are having trouble getting the job done. Their performance as a whole is less than expected.
-You have an employee who is very motivated but has little experience.