Reference no: EM13918636
Foundation plan notes
1. Elevations:
A. The reference elevation (01-0") for all elevations shown on the foundation plans shall be at the top of the slab-on-grade. See site plan for specified elevation of slab on grade.
B. The following symbols are used on the foundation plans to note elevations above (+) or below (-) the reference elevation defined above.
( ) top of footing
Top of slab
2. Symbols:
C.j. location of concrete slab on grade control joint.
F... Spread footing, see schedule
C... Steel column, see schedule
3. See architectural and civil drawings for exterior concrete pads, driveways, and sidewalks not shown on this drawing.
4. Wall projections, chases, piers, and similar detail items may not be shown; see architectural drawings for these items. Spread footing notes
1. Column footings: see footing schedule.
2. Wall footings:
• 12" cmu wall footings shall be 11-0" deep and project1'-6" beyond each face of the supported wall (minimum 3'-0" wide) reinforced with 445 continuous longitudinal bars and #4 transvers at 1'-4" o.c. (u.o.n)
• 8" cmu wall footings shall be 1-0" deep and project 8" beyond each face of the supported wall (minimum 21-0° wide) reinforced with 345 continuous longitudinal bars and #4 transverse bars at 4'-0" o.c.
3. See all typical details showing construction related to footings including those indicated below:
"column base & isolation joint"
"column anchorage" "stepped footing detail"
4. Footing elevations shown on plan are for estimating purposes and may be varied to suit site, soil, or underground utility conditions as follows:
A. The top of all exterior footings are to be a minimum of 11-6" below the finish grade, coordinate with site plan. In no case shall top of footing elevations be higher than indicated on plan. Prior to construction, notify the engineer of all footing elevations that vary from those shown on the plan.
B. Coordinate footing elevations with underground utilities. Underground utilities which cross wall footings shall cross at an angle of no more than 45 degress from perpendicular. Unless otherwise shown or approved by the designer, the minimum clearance of underground pipes and utilities which cross below wall footings shall be 8', otherwise the footing shall be stepped down so that the pipes may pass above the footing and through the wall. Any pipes which must pass underneath a wall footing are to be installed prior to the construction of the footing and the trench backfilled and compacted as required.
C. Unless otherwise approved by the designer, no excavation shall occur below a spread footing within a zone defined by a plane sloping downward at a 1:1 slope from the bottom edges of the footing on all sides.
5. All footing reinforcing shall be supported on the specified chairs on the soil and shall be secured against lateral movement.
6. If rainfall or groundwater intrusion is imminent before placement of concrete in footing excavations, a 2" thick "mud mat" of lean concrete shall be placed in the excavation after overexcavating 2" in depth. For light precipitation conditions, protect bottom and sides of excavation with temporary 6 mil polyethylene lining. Any soil which is softened due to moisture exposure shall be undercut to firm soil and the depth of the footing shall be increased to replace the soft soil that was removed.
Slab-on-grade notes
5. Unless otherwise noted, the concrete slab-on-grade shall comply with the following: 4" thick slab-on-grade Thickness: 4"
Reinforcing: 6 x 6 - w2.9 x w2.9 w.w.f. in mats, not rolls, placed 1" clear from top surface
Vapor barrier: placed on top of stone base - see architectural dwgs.
Stone base. 4" compacted washed stone
5' thick slab-on-grade thickness: 5"
Reinforcing: 6 x 6 - w2.9 x w2.9 w.w.f. in mats, not rolls, placed 1" clear from top surface
Vapor barrier: placed on top of stone base - see architectural dwgs.
Stone base: 4" compacted washed stone
6° thick slab-on-grade:
Thickness: 6"
Reinforcing: 6 x 6 - w2.9 x w2.9 w.w.f. in mats, not rolls, placed 1" clear from top surface
Vapor barrier: placed on top of stone base - see architectural dwgs.
Stone base. 4" compacted washed stone
6. Joints:
A. Slab construction joints shall be located at indicated control joint locations. All construction joints shall have dowels.
B. Coordinate all slab joint locations with joints in architectural floor finishes to assure that alignment is applicable.
7. Slab slopes: see architectural drawings for locations of floor drains and sloped slab areas. Slope surface uniformly to drain. Sloped slabs which pond water shall be replaced.
Part -1:
Generate an Excel Spreadsheet with a detailed concrete takeoff of the Hunter Nissan Project. Include a worksheet for the continuous footing for the exterior portions of the building; a worksheet for all column footings; a worksheet for all slab volumes; and a summary worksheet which shows the total cu yds needed for the building from footing to the top of slab.
I. FLOOR or WALL ASSEMBLY-Lightweight or normal weight (100-50 pot) concrete. Except as noted in table under Item 4. min thickness of solid concrete floor or wall assembly is 4-1/2 in. Floor may also be constructed of any 6 in. thick UL Classified hollow core PRECAST CONCRETE Unit. When floor is constricted of hollow core precast concrete units, pocking material (Item 3) and caulk fill material (Item 4) to be Installed symmetrically on both skies of floor, flush with floor surface. Wail assembly may also be constricted of any UL Classified CONCRETE BLOCKS*. Max clam of opening Is In solid lightweight or normal weight concrete. Floor Is 32 in. Max clan of opening h floor constricted of hollow-core precast concrete units is 7 in.
See CONCRETE BLOCKS (CAZT) and PRECAST CONCRETE UNITS (CFTV) categories In the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers.
IA STEEL SLEEVE- (Optional, not shown)-Max 5 in. ID (a water) Schedule IO (a heavier) steel sleeve cast or grouted into floor or wail assembly. Sleeve may extend a max of 2 in. above top of floor or beyond either surface of wall. Max 16 h. ID (or smaller) Min. 0.028 wall Thickness (or heavier) galvanized steel sleeve cast or grouted into floor or wall assembly. Sleeve may extend a max of 1/2 in. beyond ether surface of floor or wall.
2. THROUGH PENITRANTS-One metallic ape, conduct a tubing to be installed either concentrically or eccentrically within the fire stop system. Max annular space between pipe, conduit or titling and edge of through opening or sleeve is dependent on the painters shown In Item 4. Min annular space between pipe or conduit and edge of through opening is zero in. (point contact). Pipe =nail or tubing to be rapidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly. The following types and sizes of metalic pipes, conduits or tubing may be used:
A. STEEL PIPE-Nom 30 in. darn (or smaller) Schedule 10 (or heavier) steel pipe.
B. IRON PIPE -Nom 30 in. darn (or smaller) cast or ductile iron rte.
C. CONDUIT-Nom 6 h. don (or wider) rigid steel conduit.
D. CONDUIT-Nom 4 In. can (or wilder) steel electrical metallic tubing.
E. COPPER TUBING-Nom 6 in. can (a smaller) Type L (or heavier) copper tubing.
F. COPPER PIPE-Nom 6 h. diam (or smaller) Regular (or heavier) copper ripe.
3. PACKING MATERIAL-Polyethylene backer rod or nom I in. thickness of tightly-packed mineral wool butt or glass fiber halation firmly pocked into opening as a permanent form. Pocking material to be recessed from top surface of floor or from both surfaces of wall as required to accommodate the required thickness of ca* fit material (Item 4).
4. FILL VOID or CAVITY MATEIAL*-CAULK-Applied to fill the annular space flush with tap surface of floor. In wall assemblies. required ca* thickness to be installed symmetrically on both sides of wall, flush with wall surface. At point contact location between penetrate and sleeve or between penetrate and concrete, a min V4 In. dam bead of caulk shot be applied at the top surface of tau and at both surfaces of wall. The hourly F Ratings and the min required calk thickness are dependent upon u number of parameters, as shown In the following table:
Min Floor Or Wall Thkns, In
21/2 2-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5-1/2
Nom Pipe Tube Cr Conduit
Max Annular
Mn Caulk Thkns, In
I/4 (a) 1/2 1
Rating. Hr
3 3
Dam, In
IT212 1/2-12 I/2-6 V2-12 V2-20 V2-20 V2-12 22-30 V2-6
Space, In
F3/8 3-1/4 1-3/8
I- V 4 2 2 3-1/4 2 1-3/8
(a) Min 2 In thickness of material wool batt insulation required In annular space.
(b) Min I In. thickness of material wool batt insulation required h annular apace on both skies of floor or wall assembly. Min 1 In. thickness of caulk lo be heated flush with each surface of floor or wall assembly.
Part -2:
I. Wall Assembly - The tire-rated gypsum waltoard/stud wok assembty shal be constructed of the materials and in the manner specified In the individual 0300 or 0400 Series Wall and Partition Desicns in the LA Fte Resistance Directory and shall rriude the following construction features:
A. Studs - Wall framing may con/dst of Whet wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood elude to consist of nom 2 by 4 in. lumber spaced ma( 16 in. OC. Steel studs to be 8 min 2-1/2 In whirl and spaced 24 in OC.
B. Waiboard, Gypsum - Two layers of nom 5/8 in. thick gypsum wall:card, as specified In the individual Wall and Partition Designs. Max cram of opening not to exceed 7 h.
2. Through Penetrants - One meiotic ppe or conduit to be instored concentrically or eccentrically within the lkestop system. The annular space shall be min 1/4 h. to max 2-1/2 In. ppe or conduit to be rigidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly. The following types and sizes of metallic pipes or conduits may be used
A. Steel Pipe - Nom 4 In. diam (or under) Schedule 5 (or heavier) steel ppe.
B. Conduit - Nom 4 h. dam (or smoker) electrical melodic tubing or steel 0:cavil.
C. Copper Tubing - Nom 3 In. diem (o( smoker) Type M (or heavier) copper tubing
3. Packing Material - Min 3-V2 h. thickness of min 0.5 pct fiberglass Insulation firmly packed into opening as a permanent form. The pocking material shall be sized to be at least 1/2 In. lager than the opening dia. centered In the walls red-depth and compressed so that It Is recessed a min. of 11/4 in. from each surface of wat.
4. Ft Vold or Cavity Material - Dry mix( material mixed with water at a rate of 00 gams of dry mix per 48 to 50 ml of water or a 481100 to 50/00 ratio by weight of water to dry mix, h accordance with the accompanying installation instruction. Material applied to each surface of the packing material within the annulus between the penetrating Item and periphery of opening to a Min. depth of I-V4 h. Material shall be troweled flush with both surfaces of wall assembly.
Gold Bond Buliding Products. National Gypsum Dtv. - Type StcrSmooth FS.
Attachment:- S1.1.rar