Examples of the grammar errors

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133397195


What I'd like for you to do is to find three "real-life" examples of the grammar errors I taught you about in the Lecture notes. You'll find them in music lyrics from a song that you like and / or peruse comments on any social media platform that you use. Music lyrics have included examples of those errors for decades. And I always say that the internet is where grammar goes to die, especially in the "Comments" sections of social media platforms. So, we're always surrounded by these grammar mishaps.

I'd like you to post three examples. If you use music lyrics, please put them in quotation marks and name the song they're from. If you copy / paste comments from social media, mention where they're from. The examples can be of all the same error (double-negatives, for example), or you can mix them up.

In addition to posting your three examples of the grammar errors, I'd like you to identify what kind of grammar error they are and then correct them.

Reference no: EM133397195

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