Examples of the blow thermoregulation

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133454859


Source of information to refer to:

The three areas visited in the Toronto zoo are: African, Australian, and tundra trek

List of all animals highlighted in the zoo please choose three animals following the instructions above and below:

- Lizard

- Nymphs

- Fly River Turtle

-Moon jelly

-Arctic Wolf

- Polar Bear

- Gorilla (please choose this one to be one of the three animals)

- Tomato frog

-Naked Mole-rat

-Pyhmy Hippopotamus

-African Spoonbill + Sacred Ibis go together -birds


1. Select three examples of the blow thermoregulation that was observed at the Toronto Zoo to be part of the Thermoregulation Tour. Ensure that the three animals are from three different taxonomic groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, or insects), include endothermic and ectothermic organisms, as well as include animals from different biomes.

2. Photo essay for the Thermoregulation Tour most be done. Be sure to include:

3. A brief introduction to what thermoregulation is, and an overview of your tour (which animals you will highlight)

4. Three animals featured in the tour that you took while visiting the zoo, along with a brief paragraph (5 to 7 sen) that includes:

i. Common and scientific name of the animal

ii. Where this animal is found at the Zoo (eg. name of the exhibit)

iii. Where this animal is found in the wild (eg. biome, geographic location, etc.)

iv. Explanation as to how and why these animals thermoregulate in the wild, and how the zoo is facilitating this thermoregulation in its exhibits. Please find the information about the animals only from the Tronto Zoo website, the Zoo's description of its animals is here is all the possible information you might need is on the website please don't use other sources of information. However, any specific information that you include on your animals that you take from another source must be properly cited and referenced, using CSE: Name Year system.

Reference no: EM133454859

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