Examples of pseudocode containing control structures

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13945457

The following are a few examples of pseudocode:

>> Example 1


read Customer_Order_Record
if Quantity > 100 then

Discount = 20


if Quantity > 12 then

Discount = 10



Total = Price* Quantity
Total = Total - (Discount* Total)/100
Print Total


>> Example 2


Read Student_Marks_File
Pass = 0
Fail = 0
Total = 0
X = 0
while (End Of Student_Marks_File) do

Total = Total + Subject_Marks

if (Subject_Marks > 40) then

Print "Student passed in" Subject


Print "Student failed in" Subject

X = X +1
Read Next Record

Average = Total/X
Print "Average Marks of" Student_Name "are" Average


From the above examples of pseudocode containing control structures, analyze the logic implemented in the pseudocode.

Reference no: EM13945457

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