Examples of artificial selection from history of humanity

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133303353


Describe an example of artificial selection from the history of humanity. Easy examples might be a breed of animal, or a type of food. Use internet sources if necessary, but make sure to use your own words to answer, and make sure to thoroughly describe your example, and try to avoid redundancy with posts that come before your yours, as always.

Now think about using similar processes of artificial selection for humans. What would people in society select away? What is being selected away currently? Are there any traits that make people more likely to procreate in today's society, and/or more likely to ensure the success of their offspring? Make sure to describe at least a few examples of each.

What human traits, if any, would you select away? Psychopathy? Pedophilia? Cognitive impairment?

Reference no: EM133303353

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