Reference no: EM132887898
The hypothesis you just completed the Everest team and leadership simulation. For this short report, think back about your team's simulation (run). Analyze your experience in the following 5 steps and provide your answers to the questions in paragraphs in your report. For questions 2 to 5, draw on relevant team and leadership concepts from the text or lectures in your explanations.
1)In two paragraphs, provide a summary of your team's run. In your summary, identify the following:
a.One to two examples about the successes during your team's run.
b.One to two examples about the challenges during your team's run.
2)Almost all teams indicated that they suspected that their teams could have performed better. In what areas and how could your team have performed better? Identify at least 2 concrete areas or items AND explain how your team could have performed better on each (i.e., what should your team have done).
3)Based on what you have identified for question 2, what could you have personally done in addition to or instead of what you did? Identify 2 specific thought processes, behaviors, or actions AND explain how each would have improved your team's run.
4)Based on what you have identified for question 2, what could the leader have done differently? If you were the team leader in this run, what could your team have done differently? Identify 2 behaviors or actions AND explain how each would have improved your team's run.
5)Many students indicated feeling a bit uncomfortable speaking up and challenging others' ideas. If you have felt so, what would have made you more comfortable? In general, what can you do personally to ensure everyone in a team feels comfortable about speaking up and constructively examining different ideas? Identify 2 specific ways AND explain how each would have improved your own or your team's sharing and discussing different ideas.