Example on message-passing style

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13190378

Question 1

An accumulator is a procedure that is called repeatedly with a single numeric argument and accumulates its arguments into a sum. Each time it is called, it returns the currently accumulated sum. Write a procedure make-accumulator that generates accumulators, each maintaining an independent sum [2 marks]. The input to make-accumulator will correctly specify the initial value of the sum; for example

(define A (make-accumulator 5))
(A 10)
(A 10)

Question 2

Write a procedure (make-queue) that produces independent first-in-first-out queue objects, using a message-passing style.

For example:
(define queue1 (make-queue))
(define queue2 (make-queue))

Write procedures to manipulate queues.

1. (queue1 'empty?): boolean

2. (queue1 'enqueue! item): adds item to the queue

3. (queue1 'front): returns the next element of the queue that would be removed on dequeue

4. (queue1 'back): returns the last element of the queue that would be removed on dequeue (i.e. the most recent element added)

5. (queue1 'dequeue!): throws away the front element

6. (queue1 'print): prints some representation of the queue from front to back

Reference no: EM13190378

Questions Cloud

Evaluate the importance of being an agile coach : Evaluate the importance of being an agile coach on the project team and analyze the key roles the agile coach plays in team communication and facilitation activities.
Do change in fixed costs does affect firms level of ouyput : Suppose that a firm sells in a highly competitive market, in which the going prince is $15 per unit. its cost equation is c=$25+.25Q^2 find the profit-maximizing level of out put for the firm. determine its level of profit.
Use the poisson distribution to find indicated probability : Use the Poisson Distribution to find the indicated probability.
Use the poisson model to approximate the probability : Use the Poisson model to approximate the probability. Round your answer to four decimal places.
Example on message-passing style : Write a procedure that produces independent first-in-first-out queue objects, using a message-passing style.
Use the poisson model to approximate the probability : Use the Poisson model to approximate the probability. Round your answer to four decimal places.
Determine the critical values of r : Given the linear correlation coefficient r and the sample size n, determine the critical values of r and use your finding to state whether or not the given r represents a significant linear correlation. Use a significance level of 0.05.
Calculate the explicit costs of the firm : During a year of operation, a firm collects $175,000 in revenue and spends $80,000 on raw materials, labor expenses, utilities and rent. The owners of the firm have provided $500,000 of their own money to the firm (and view that money as a loan to..
Discusses several methods of studying human behavior : The text discusses several methods of studying human behavior. These include the case study, naturalistic observation, correlational research, survey research, and the experimental method.


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