Example of which fallacy

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Reference no: EM133250769


Choose the correct answer

1. Even one instance of voter fraud is a proof that elections are rigged. This is an example of which fallacy?

a. Ad hominem

b. Perfectionist fallacy

c, Affirming the consequent

d. Cum hom

2. News pundit: "The House speaker's compromise on this budget bill is obviously the right tactic." Interviewer: "How so?" News pundit: "The House speaker's press release states it is the best thing to do." The news pundit is engaging in which fallacy?

a. Begging the question/Circular logic

b. Apple polishing

c. Appeal to ignorance

d. Affirming the consequent

3. If his insurance company rejected his claim, then they don't care about anybody. The insurance company rejected his claim; therefore, they do not care about anybody. This statement is an example of which fallacy?

a. Appeal to ignorance

b. Amphiboly/Equivocation fallacy

c, Fallacy of division

d. Affirming the consequent

4. Shopper A: "Hey, check out this microwave. It says it's made in Los Angeles." Shopper B: "Los Angeles?! It's probably cheap and poorly made." Shopper B is committing which fallacy?

a. Ad populum/Appeal to celebrity

b. Slippery slope

c. Apple polishing

d. Genetic/Originative fallacy

5. My opponent says he wants more relaxed borders to help improve the economy, but what he really means is that he doesn't care about you and your family's safety. This statement is an example of which fallacy?

a. Guilt tripping

b. Ad populum/Appeal to celebrity

c. Straw man

d. Affective fallacy

6. Student A: "Student C always has the answers and gets straight A's." Student B: "I bet she studied a lot." Student A: "Not likely. She's not any better than I am. She's just a teacher's pet." Student A has used which fallacy?

a. Fallacy of division

b. Ad hominem

c. False dilemma/Either-or fallacy

d. Scare tactics

7. Animals deserve the same rights as humans, no doubt about it, But if we need a few of them for research to save someone's life, then it is okay for them to die to save us. This is an example of which fallacy?

a. Inconsistency fallacy

b. Amphiboly/Equivocation fallacy

c. Hasty generalization

d. Guilt tripping

8. If we let more people into this country, then our schools and hospitals will be overwhelmed to the point of breaking down completely. After that, it will be anarchy. This kind of rhetoric is an example of which fallacy?

a. Affective fallacy

b. Slippery slope

c. Appeal to ignorance

d. Denial

9. Government-run health care would be inefficient; everyone on Twitter and Facebook say so, and they can't all be wrong. This statement is an example of which fallacy?

a. Begging the question/Circular logic

b. Pity

c. Appeal to nature

d. Ad populum/Appeal to celebrity

10. Response to a discussion post: I totally agree with everything you said. Your post was so well-written, and your point about the grass being always greener on the other side really got me. You are right. This was a really smart post. This response is guilty of which emotional fallacy?

a. False dilemma/Either-or fallacy

b. False analogy

c. Apple polishing

d. Affective fallacy

11. Dana and Kylie are discussing men they have dated. Dana said Brandon was such an awful person who cheated on her and his sign was Cancer. She insists she will never date another Cancer man. Dana's avoidance of men born in the sign of Cancer is an example of which fallacy?

a. Hasty generalization

b. Inconsistency fallacy

c. Burden of proof fallacy

d.Appeal to ignorance

12. Student A: "I'm taking critical reasoning next semester. Haven't you already taken the class?" Student B: "You are taking PHIL341 next semester? You will hate the class. It's hard and boring." Student B is committing which fallacy?

a. Appeal to tradition/Common practice

b. Amphiboly/Equivocation fallacy

c. Poisoning the well

d. Stereotyping

13. A group of people are watching passengers go in and out of a subway entrance. One says, "The last ten people to exit the subway look like businesspeople. The next one coming out has to be a student with a backpack." The speaker is engaging in which fallacy?

a. Gambler's fallacy

b. Untestable conclusion

c. Slippery slope

d. Straw man

14. Post A: "I think LeBron James is the GOAT." Post B: "LeBron? Michael Jordan is the GOAT. He's the greatest. No question. Nobody even comes close or even approaches what Michael Jordan has done. He's untouchable!" Post B has committed which fallacy?

a. Gambler's fallacy

b. Genetic/Originative fallacy

c. Post hoc

d. Blind authority

Reference no: EM133250769

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