Example of the influence tactic of controlling information

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133335201


Which of the following is an example of the influence tactic of controlling information?

  • Airline employees threaten to go on strike just a few weeks before the company begins its busiest season and most profitable part of the year.
  • The vice-president of marketing deliberately places an issue that she dislikes near the bottom of next meeting's agenda (rather than near the top) so there is less chance the meeting will have time to address that issue.
  • A new executive immediately posts his diplomas and awards on the office wall for others to see.
  • To demonstrate that cost overrun errors aren't due to production employees, the production manager privately shows senior executives examples of how the marketing manager makes mistakes on orders.
  • To increase the chances of promotion to a more senior job in the company, an employee exaggerates to management about his role on the executive of a non-profit group.

Reference no: EM133335201

Questions Cloud

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Example of the influence tactic of controlling information : Which of the following is an example of the influence tactic of controlling information?
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