Example of technological fix of future

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133162489


1. Choose a technology of your choice, use Wendell Berry's reasoning and explain why you would not buy the selected technology. Use at least 5 criteria (one of them must be the relationship you have with other people).

2. Give an example of technological fix of the future and explain your answer and how you would personally deal with such a situation.

3. What does the author mean by vested interest and give an example and explain your position?

4. Based on the Butler's model on the life a technology seen in class, where would place each of these technologies: laptop computers, hair clippersand 3D puzzles? Explain your answer for each one.

5. Using any trophy as example, describe the symbolic meaning, group identity and social interaction represented by the said technology..

Reference no: EM133162489

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