Reference no: EM133257137
QUESTION 1. I recognized that the child's development is directed from within. I believed in biological maturation. I am...
A. Gesell
B. Rousseau
C. John Lock
D. Both A and B are correct.
E. Both A and C are correct.
QUESTION 2. Even though Gesell believed in the biological maturation process, he did recognize that the child is a product of his or her environment. This view is similar to Locke's.
QUESTION 3. The child has to learn how to sit first, and then walk, and then run. This order is an example of fixed sequences.
QUESTION 4. Bababubu is an alien who just migrates to Earth from Mars. He is very excited because he and his wife are about to give birth to a baby. Martian's embryonic development is a bit different than that of humans. Martian's embryonic development works like this: the legs and arms get developed first, and then the spinal cords and brains, and then other organs, and the heart developed last. Every single Martian embryo is developed like this with no exception. This is an example of fixed sequences.
QUESTION 5. When it comes to sequential development, Gesell noticed a cephalocaudal trend happening throughout the body - the baby's body is developing along its long axis.
QUESTION 6. The baby uses one hand to grab a cube, and then both hands, and then prefers one over the other, and then both again....and then this process continues until the child reaches one-handed dominance. This is an example of reciprocal interweaving.
QUESTION 7. Montessori came up with the idea of sensitive periods. As the name implied, the child is highly sensitive when it comes to his/her emotions. They get easily agitated and angry for several minutes and then immediately switch to a self-composed and calm state.
Question 8. Montessori believes that when the child is learning to walk, he walks with a mission in mind. Once this mission is accomplished the child is extremely happy and will rest for a bit.
QUESTION 9. Each sensitive period proposed by Montessori is very unique and there is no overlapping between these sensitive periods.
QUESTION 10. According to Montessori, children (from birth to early adolescence) are highly attracted to tiny objects. It is because the babies are small themselves and thus will biologically focus on tiny objects as they fit the baby's psychological intakes.
QUESTION 11. Montessori students are known to possess a high level of these qualities.
A. Independence
B. Concentration
C. Circulation
D. Both A and B are correct.
QUESTION 12. I believe in preparing the child for the more difficult task by creating small steps composed of many smalls easy-to-difficult tasks, at the level that they could master. I am ...
A. Gesell
B. Locke
C. Montessori
D. Both B and C are correct
E. All the answers above are correct.
QUESTION 13. Misbehaviors would occur in Montessori schools in cases where the child is not being rewarded at all for doing his task. This is very understandable.
QUESTION 14. Baby Alex cries. This time his caregiver shows up. Previously, when Alex cried, his caregiver was busy talking on the phone and completely ignored him. The care was there, but it was NOT reliable or consistent. Baby Alex may develop:
A. Secure attachment
B. insecure-ambivalent attachment
C. insecure-avoidant attachment
D. None of the above is correct.