Example of plan of action for bella healthcare

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132171900

Here is the example of Plan of Action for Bella Healthcare

- Supply a product that offers warranties and after sales service that is still available at a low enough cost for the average citizens to afford. Portable and easy to use for general practitioner offering simple training to techs to understand and interpret results.

- Solar charging capabilities for device so it can last longer in the field and not rely on limited battery power.

- Keep the complete manufacturing and R&D team in one area. Keeping team numbers as low as possible and finding a trusted supervisor from previous projects that meshes well with the existing culture and staff.

- Complete survey and analyzation of markets, market segmentation, to find the right markets to support product launch and resources to fund it.

- Analyzing market for areas that were most affected by poor cardiac health.

- Areas that have best accessibility and highest percentage accessibility to health insurance.

Please provide Plan of Action for Volkswagen

Reference no: EM132171900

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