Reference no: EM132215782
Requirements: To explore probabilities, write a Java, C, or C++ program that simulates one million rolls of two fair dice. Calculate the percentage of time that the following three events occur:
1. Each die has a value of one (Snake Eyes)
2. Each die has the same value (Doubles) (doesn't include double ones)
3. The sum of the two dice is seven (Sevens)
Output results should be clearly displayed with appropriate labeling. An example of a typical output format is given here:
Snake eyes occurred x.xxxx percent of the time.
Doubles occurred x.xxxx percent of the time.
Sevens occurred x.xxxx percent of the time.
Do the results agree with your intuition about the probabilities of certain values appearing on two fair dice? Note: Place your response to this question in the program comments or a separately submitted document (text, Word, PDF, etc.).
Program source code
Answer to the above question