Example of a leading macro-economic indicator

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM13789338

Question 1:

Which of the following is NOT a likely use of a marketing dashboard?

Providing campaign performance data to marketing managers.

Making the results of predictive modeling available to the company's sales staff.

Allowing senior executives to launch new marketing campaigns based on historical sales information.

Giving planners access to return on marketing investment (ROMI) data about a campaign.

Question 2. Which answer BEST describes how marketers can trigger consumers' emotional process and thus motivate them to buy.

By promising a benefit associated with a reduced negative emotion.

By promising a benefit associated with an increased positive emotion.

By promising a benefit associated with either an increased positive or a reduced negative emotion.

By promising a benefit associated with physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, or self- actualization.

Question 3. Which answer reflects the second of the four steps in the process by which consumers' emotions influence their purchase decisions?

Consumer feels motivation to satisfy a need.

Consumer becomes aware of a need.

Emotion awakens a consumer's need.

Consumer makes a purchase.

Question 4. Which of the following is NOT one of the nine criteria for effective segmentation of markets?

Is this segment a good fit with the company's brand image and market position?

Are there sufficient numbers of consumers in the segment to merit the expense?

Do individuals in the segment share common needs?

Is membership in the market segment recognized by competitors?

Question 5. Which of the following is an example of a leading macro-economic indicator?

Duration of unemployment

Number of building permits issued

Trend in average prime rate

Consumer Price Index

Question 6. Which of the following answers BEST describes the implications of ecology for marketers in terms of the marketing environment?

Marketers need to conceal their sustainability policies, as the founder of the method company has done.

Marketers need to anticipate the effects of population growth, especially the environmental impact of products as usage increases.

Marketers need to seek out suppliers who offer replacements for nonrenewable resources, such as raw materials derived from oil or minerals.

Marketers need to understand the degree to which governments enforce safeguards of natural resources in the countries in which they operate.

Question 7. Which of the following was cited as a difference between demographic trends in China and India?

Age distribution

Variation in household types

Increasing ethnic diversity


Question 8. Which of the following BEST describes the process known as "data cleansing"?

Basic analytics performed on a data set to split addresses containing many consumers into separate records.

Reviewing individual records to detect and correct or delete inaccurate records to ensure a set of data is accurate and useful.

Augmenting a data set with demographic and other information to enhance direct marketing.

Removal of records from a data set because they are too long.

Question 9. Specific market segments are more likely to buy certain offerings than the general population. How does this insight assist marketers?

Marketers apply psychology to deliver customer value more efficiently and cost-effectively.

Marketers use segmentation to concentrate resources on the most likely buyers.

Marketers position their offerings on generic emotional benefits designed to appeal to a broad spectrum of consumers.

Marketers assign individuals to clusters by using reference groups, aspirations, and family roles.

Question 10. Which of the following statements about trends was NOT discussed as part of the"changing consumer"?

Consumers influence their peers through shared experiences and opinions.

Consumers have increasing anxiety about environmental factors such as globalization.

Consumers tend to take cues from groups they belong to or aspire to join.

Consumers expect to have input into the development of marketing messages and product design.

Reference no: EM13789338

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