Examining the meaning of critical thinking in social work

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Reference no: EM133668649


Review and respond to the posts of Steph. As you respond, share your professional experiences and helpful thoughts and feedback about ideas they have shared. Try to comment on those where you feel you have the most useful information to share and consider the following:

Review the posts of Steph and respond to two with suggestions of other ways critical thinking could address the situations they described.

Please use 7th edition a p a format. Please list references used. Please use up to date/ current scholarly references/sources (within the last 5 years). cite each paragraph with facts.

I was able to utilize critical thinking when I had to decide what would be best for a client who has had multiple suicide attempts, and figure out what the next steps are for treatment with this client. I felt that at first, I was incapable of dealing with this situation because I had never been presented with a case of a child who had made multiple attempts to commit suicide. I was, and continue to hold a little bit of fear around what would happen if this client committed suicide in my care. I was able to talk through with my supervisor some of those feelings of incompetence, and I was also given resources that we could refer this client to since our agency does not have a crisis unit 24/7. I was happy to be able to discuss this case with my supervisor and be able to think about all the possible scenarios of care for this client. I knew that I was going to have to hold onto this case for a little longer since the transfer would not be immediate, so I made sure I talked through what our sessions would look like, how often, and regularly checking in with client's guardian to make sure client was safe and all possible weapons or pills were put away.

Mathias (2015) writes"...Findings from definitional subsections do indicate consensus on one point: for social work, critical thinking is a process of practical reasoning, aimed at correct action. This distinguishes the conceptualization of critical thinking in social work from its conceptualization in education, where the emphasis on correct action is not integral to most definitions ". I liked this quote from the text because I couldn't agree more, at the end of the day, I wanted to make sure my client got the best care possible, and I knew that I as a student, still do not have a whole lot of experience, and due to the high needs of this client, they needed a level of care much higher than what I could provide.

Mathias, J. (2015). Thinking like a social worker: Examining the meaning of critical thinking in social work. Journal of Social Work Education, 51(3), 457-474.

Reference no: EM133668649

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