Examining and interpreting data about a job tasks

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133166536

Assignment Task

Part 1: Job exploration is the process of gathering, examining and interpreting data about a job's tasks and responsibilities. It generally includes understanding the general duties and the roles and responsibilities associated with the job. This assignment requires students to find two (2) different aspirational jobs/ careers that are advertised and fill in the template provided on the learnonline site.

Part 2: Once students have completed their job exploration templates, students will prepare a discussion paper on a) work view (300 words) and b) world view (300 words).

A "work view" addresses the critical issues related to what work is and what it means to you. It is not just a list of what you want from or out of work, but a statement of your view and philosophy of work. A "work view" may address such questions as:

  • Why work?
  • What's work for?
  • What's it mean?
  • How does it relate to the individual, others, society?
  • What defines good or worthwhile work? Impactful work?
  • What does money have to do with it?
  • What does experience, growth, fulfilment have to do with it?
  • What do family and community have to do with it?

A "world view" may cover questions such as:

  • Why are we here?
  • What is the meaning/purpose of life? of death?
  • What is the relationship between the individual and others? - between persons and the rest of life (and perhaps inanimate entities) and reality?
  • What is good or worthwhile?
  • What is the meaning of time, of eternity?
  • Is there a higher power, transcendency, God and if so - of what nature and to what import for your life?
  • What of joy, sorrow, justice, injustice, love, peace, strife, good & evil?

Students may use first person expression.

Students are required to reference their work using the Harvard Referencing Guide.

Please include a link to the relevant jobs included on your template.

Reference no: EM133166536

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