Reference no: EM131055323
We examined the planning and management of the FSH project between March 2004 and April 2010.
We focused on three main lines of inquiry:
• What is the current status of the FSH against original scope, cost and time estimates?
• Has the FSH project been efectively planned and managed?
• Have signifcant project risks been identifed and are there arrangements in place to manage them?
Examination focus and scope
We examined the planning and management of the FSH project including planning, development of the business case and the procurement strategy, and project management between March 2004 and April 2010. We focused on three main lines of inquiry:
• What is the current status of the FSH project against original scope, cost and time estimates?
• Has the FSH project been efectively planned and managed?
• Have signifcant project risks been identifed and are there arrangements in place to manage them?
The Australian Government has provided $255.7 million in funding for a 140 bed State rehabilitation service which will be located within the FSH site. The construction of the rehabilitation centre is outside the scope of this examination.
We conducted the examination in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards.