Reference no: EM132409243
Essay Topic and Guidelines for Essay -
Essay Topic - As announced in class, this time around you get to choose from one of the following questions (themes) from the class syllabus. These include: Should multinational corporations pay a living wage when doing business in the developing world? What constitutes a just distribution of wealth? Is affirmative action morally justified? How much information must an advertiser disclose to consumers in advertising a product? What rights and obligations do employees have in the workplace? Do employees have the right to know of work-related safety hazards?
Here are some more specific essay topics:
Ian Maitland contends that corporations doing business internationally have no need to improve on market outcomes. Explain his reasons for this position, outline why Donaldson might disagree, and then critically assess who is right? The central question to be addressed is whether corporations should pay a living wage when doing business in the global context.
Nozick and Rawls are in sharp disagreement regarding redistributive taxation. Explain why they disagree, and then take a stance concerning which position is more plausible. Although this is not necessary, you can also draw on Locke in your analysis.
With reference to the papers by Pojman and Hettinger, critically examine whether affirmative action is a form of reverse discrimination? You can also bring Rawls into the analysis, especially if you plan to focus on the sections in Hettinger and Pojman devoted to whether the most qualified person deserves the job.
Commentators are in disagreement regarding rules of information disclosure-specifically, whether merchants are required to "tell all" in advertising a product. Do you think Tibor Machan is correct in defending the view that advertisers need not tell all? You can also draw from Burton Leiser (quoted in Machan's paper) Albert Carr, or Jean Kilbourne in addressing this question.
Critics of advertising often contend that advertising violates our autonomy insofar as it is a form of behavior control. Examine why Robert Arrington disagrees with these critics, and then take a position on whether he is right. You can also draw from Roger Crisp or Jean Kilbourne in examining this issue.
With reference to the papers by Richard Epstein and Patricia Werhane, critically examine the employment at will doctrine. Do you think the doctrine fosters freedom of contract for both employers and employees, or does it empower the employer, thereby leading to potential exploitation of employees?
Tibor Machan argues that a special moral right to occupational safety violates liberties, while Earl Spurgin contends that such a right is necessary given the background conditions of workers in the developing world. With reference to both papers critically assess whether there should be a occupational right to safety.
Instructions and criteria of assessment -
You must draw from at least two papers from the class syllabus. You will be evaluated on clarity of exposition, on your ability to argue in support of a position, and on your ability to argue against rival positions. And remember: the point is not to discuss all of the arguments made by the authors you are examining. Rather, you should critically engage the essays with a view to making the case for your thesis. The paper should be double spaced, 6 pages long, and it is due on November 25.
Here are some questions you should keep in mind in writing your paper:
Does your paper have a clearly articulated thesis?
Is the thesis supported by arguments?
Are these arguments logically structured?
Do you make use of the primary texts in defending your thesis?
Have you anticipated potential criticisms of your position and demonstrated why your position is superior to rival interpretations?
Is your writing clear and to the point?
Is your writing technically flawless, free of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors?
Do you have proper documentation in a consistent style?
Textbook - Business in Ethical Focus An Anthology edited by Fritz Allhoff and Anand J. Vaidya.