Reference no: EM131607487
Assignment: Approaches of Leadership PPT
Create a Powerpoint presentation. This presentation should be 12 - 15 slides long in addition to a cover page and a reference page. Use bullets on most slides but each page should include a note section with at least 150 words in addition to the slide. Cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Quotes should always be rare and properly cited. Slides or notes with excessive quotes will have deductions. Use your own words. Please make sure you have cited your work properly.
Assignment - Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral, Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership
Prepare a presentation as if you were a leadership instructor. You are to prepare it so you will be able to teach a lesson to a class. Using the five approaches/theories of leadership we have discussed in the first three weeks of class within chapters 1 - 6, document what the approach or theory is based on, how it is different than the others, and when it is best used. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Give examples of when each theory would work best. For example, consider different positions like a construction plant manager or a school principal or a nurse. What approach would work best for different positions? Incorporate that into your lesson.
Do not copy definitions from the book. Use your own words to get your students to understand the different aspects of the theories. Use the 12 - 15 slides for the five approaches/theories, approximately three pages for each one.
Title Page - Include a title page with your name, student number, title of your paper, course number, course name, & date.
Introductory Slide - Include a short introduction slide (an agenda)
Length - 12 - 15 slides plus the title page and citation page. Make sure you have at least 150 words in the note section of each page. Do not include any quotes in your notes.
Reference Page - Include at least two outside sources in addition to your textbook on a separate reference page. Use references with authors, not websites. All references must have citations within your paper.
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: Assignment: Approaches of Leadership PPT. Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral, Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership.
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: Describe how localization of function and distributed brain activity work together in everyday cognitive processes