Reference no: EM133645896
Homework: Research Paper
Review the information in all five sections to learn about your requirements.
Topic: Choose an economic-related topic that interests you most; do not move forward until you receive instructor approval for your topic. Examine your topic from any perspective or lens that interests you: historical, scientific, technological, engineering, or mathematical.
Sources: Support your research topic and the perspective or lens (historical, scientific, technological, engineering, or mathematical) through credible sources in your reference page. You must include at least two primary and two secondary sources. Try to find sources that truly interest you. Sources must contain credible information, data, facts, etc., on your subject. You may use encyclopedias to aid in the discovery of your topic; however, encyclopedias will not be considered an approved source of information in the development of your paper. When conducting research, keep in mind that primary sources are first-person accounts, and secondary sources are written by people who did not witness/participate in the event. An excellent place to begin research is through the Hunt Library databases and research guides.
Research Question, Thesis Statement, and Paper - You will develop a 6 to 8 pages research paper. Develop your topic into one clear concise research question and create a thesis statement. Compile your (one) question, thesis statement, and research into a written four- to six-page written paper. You must also include a title page and reference page in the six- to eight- pages of your research paper. You can write from any perspective or lens that interests you: historical, scientific, technological, engineering, or mathematical. This research paper must include the following elements:
I. Title-page
II. Body (four- to six- pages)
1. Introduction - Tells the reader what you are going to write about and includes your thesis statement. Be sure to make it interesting so the reader will want to continue and read the rest of your work.
2. Body of the Paper - Goes through each point you want to illustrate by providing your ideas and your research about the topic. Be sure you write an opening sentence for each paragraph that will draw your reader into your idea or point.
3. Conclusion/Summary - Reminds the reader what you wrote about in your work. It is similar to the introduction but with a concluding statement.
III. Reference page
Define term and provide a detailed analysis of cost involved
: Define the term and provide a detailed analysis of the cost involved and at what point the responsibility for the shipment changes from the buyer to the seller.
Describe a possible outcome of your proposed engagement
: Describe a possible outcome of your proposed engagement that might influence the societal conversations that add to critical awareness of diversity.
Do you suppose contractionary monetary policy has failed
: Do you suppose contractionary monetary policy has failed to meet the objectives of stabilizing the economy to increase employment and stabilize price levels?
Demonstrating your understanding of the child
: Demonstrating your understanding of the child as capable and competent. Refer to at least 2 different sources (theory and/or literature)
Examine topic from any perspective or lens that interest you
: Examine your topic from any perspective or lens that interests you: historical, scientific, technological, engineering, or mathematical.
History of copd exacerbations
: DN is newly diagnosed with COPD and has no history of COPD exacerbations. She will be started on her first COPD medication regimen today.
Complaints of dyspnea and left leg pain
: A 38-year-old female presents to the emergency room with complaints of dyspnea and left leg pain.
How was the value of the united states currency determined
: How was the value of the United State's currency determined? How does that compare to other countries? Which monetary policy tool was used?
What are the key aspects of your ethical code
: What are the key aspects of your ethical code (e.g., faith, integrity, principles)? Where does your ethical code originate from (e.g., parents, teachers, faith)