Examine three cable maintenance tools

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131064983

"Maintaining the Network" Please respond to the following:

Examine three (3) cable maintenance tools that you would consider essential for a network team. Of the three (3) tools that you have examined, determine the one (1) that you believe is the most versatile. Provide one (1) scenario that demonstrates the versatility of your chosen tool and justifies your decision.

As explained throughout the text, documentation is one of the most critical roles that a network administrator must undertake. Industry professionals commonly use various tools for documenting and diagramming networks (e.g., Microsoft Visio, Dia, WhatsUpGold, etc.). Identify a diagramming tool that you prefer to use, and provide at least three (3) reasons that justify your preference for that particular tool.

Reference no: EM131064983

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