Examine the website that you have selected for review

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131557639

Assignment: Visual Design Elements

In this assignment, you will review a few websites to gather ideas on how to improve the visual design and appearance of your website. Visual elements are extremely important in web design because visual elements help you in attracting users and making them regular visitors to your website.

Review and analyze the following websites to examine how design elements such as line, texture, and shape affect visual design and perception.

• Dean Koontz
• Aquent Gymnasium
• Jorge Hurtado: Hurtadoarts


After examining the above websites:

o Identify one exemplary website along with a website that is not well designed and compare the two websites in terms of their differences. When comparing websites, focus on the following:

- Navigation
- Design
- Visual appearance
- Aesthetics

This will help distinguish a website that is well designed versus a website that needs improvement.

• Examine the website that you have selected for review that is not well designed and discuss the changes that can be made in order to make that website visually appealing and exemplary.

• Describe the ways in which you will develop your own website to increase its visual appearance and perception.

• Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.

Submission Details:

In a minimum of 200 words, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Review and comment on at least two of your classmates' responses. Consider the following in your response:

• Provide a statement of clarification or a point of view with rationale.
• Challenge a point of discussion or draw a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.

Reference no: EM131557639

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Write a Review

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