Examine the strategic role of training function

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131296465 , Length:

1. Examine the strategic role of training function within the field of HR Management"

2. Design, execute and transfer training programs in various organizational environments.

Learning organizations have the required features to enhance transfer of training

Using the two attached papers and other references that you will identify, generate a report ( 5 to 10 pages), where you will:

1. Define the learning organization

2. Explain the features of learning organization

3. Explain how these learning organization characteristics enhance transfer of training


- The two attached papers are mandatory reads, but you may want to use more references.
- There will be a team presentation at the end of the Fall Term.
- The references that you used to write the report should be cited at the end of the report.

Verified Expert

This task is about learning organizations. it is 2000 words task and it is ms-word report. In this report, definition of learning organizations, features of learning organizations and how characteristics of learning organization enhance transfer of training are discussed in detail. APA referencing is done

Reference no: EM131296465

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