Reference no: EM133257808
Assignment - Description - Over the past few years, I have come to learn that education means different things to many people. For me, education is something that all children deserve and need. Education grows us from immature children to responsible adults who will one day make an impact on our society. I strongly believe that children should not only be taught basic skills but should also be taught life skills and values. This helps them to become better students and adults. Education is about social skills, common sense, and not only book knowledge but world knowledge as well. A large part of the responsibility falls on one person, the teacher.
The teacher shoulders so many roles when it comes to children. They sever as caregivers, disciplinarian, mother, friend, and role model. It is through these roles that we are better able to reach children at a whole new level. Teachers have so responsibility that it can be overwhelming and cause a loss of focus on what is important.
One must first begin by examining the various schools of philosophy. For this class we will consider four major schools of philosophy idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism. As you study these schools of philosophy, which one comes closest to your beliefs? Do you agree with more than one? Can you be attached in various ways to some or all of them? Secondly, we must examine these schools of philosophy as they impact on education.
Examine the roles that each has played on education today. In beginning to build your personal philosophy of education, identify elements from the different schools of philosophies and the different teaching philosophies that appeal to you as an educator and will be included in your philosophy. Share these elements and explain why these elements appeal to you. Support your explanation with specific examples.