Reference no: EM132294794
ADULT NURSING Assignment -
Module Aim - This module aims to enable the student to manage the range of care and nursing practices that they may engage in on a daily basis. This module represents the diversity in care through the examination of promoting health and wellbeing and end of life care.
Learning Outcomes - By the end of this module, students should be able to:
1. Examine the role of the nurse in promoting health.
2. Consider the role of the nurse in facilitating end of life care.
Indicative Module Content -
On a daily basis, health care practitioners are challenged to support patients with complex and diametrically opposed care needs within a single shift. The content of this module represents that diversity and challenge. Students will study a variety of topics including models of behaviour change; health promotion; public health; definitions of health and wellbeing; determinants of health; definitions of palliative and end of life care; symptom management in end of life; person centred care; ethics in end of life care decision making, and spirituality and cultural diversity in end of life care needs. In order for the student to contextualise health promotion or end of life care needs, they will examine the physiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, integumentary, and nervous systems.
WIKI Group - Sonia - End of life assignment
Mrs Kapoor deteriorates and in accordance with her previously expressed wishes she is transferred to the Hospice. On assessment by the consultant at the hospice it becomes clear that Mrs Kapoor is dying and is likely to die within the next few days. A syringe driver is prescribed. This is a small pump that enables Mrs Kapoor to receive all her symptom control medication sub-continuously and continuously. This keeps her comfortable.
As Mrs Kapoor becomes less conscious she is no longer able to eat or drink, and she is not able to communicate.
You are part of the multi-disciplinary team caring for Mrs Kapoor. Mr Kapoor tells you that he is very concerned by the fact that Mrs Kapoor is not eating and drinking. He wants a "drip" to be put up. (IV hydration / artificial hydration). He says that this is vitally important for him, as not feeding Mrs Kapoor is viewed by his family as neglect, and this is causing him a great deal of distress.
What are your thoughts?
How do you feel about this request?
What do you think should be done and why?
What would you say to Mr Kapoor?
What might be the burdens and benefits of putting up a "drip", for Mrs Kapoor and for her family?
What might be the burdens and benefits of NOT putting up a "drip", for Mrs Kapoor and for her family?
These are just a few questions to get you thinking. Now as a group start discussing and debating what you think should be done, giving your reasons, and responding to other students' entries. Try and use sources of evidence to back up your discussion if you can.
Your discussion should be undertaken using the comments facility at the bottom of this page (Not on the page itself).
Ethical Dilemma
There is also an ethical dilemma page. The page has a scenario related to Mrs Kapoor's care that requires a decision to be made. In the comment's facility at the bottom of the page everyone joins in a discussion, putting forward what you think should happen, giving your reasons, and also commenting on other students' ideas. There are no right or wrong answers but try and give the reasons for your ideas/opinions, and preferably back them up with some sources of evidence.
Choose any from the group questions but write on your own words. 2500 words for EOL
Group 4: Care of the family
Your task during this module is to explore the support needs of Mrs. Kapoor's family. There are some reading materials and other resources on Nursing 2 blackboard that will help you to do this, but you will need to do some wider research of other sources to access more information.
1. Identify 3 support needs of Mrs Kapoor's family. For each of these give a brief explanation regarding how they might affect Mrs Kapoor's family.
2. Choose one of these support needs: Explain how this support need is related to the quality of life for the whole family.
3. Explore how this need might be compromised within the family due to Mrs Kapoor's condition.
4. What interventions might support the family to meet this need? Include a discussion regarding the communication approaches required in order to support the family with this need.
5. Which members of the inter-disciplinary team might you involve in order to support the family in relation to this need and explain their roles?
Group 1 Symptom control
Your task during this module is to explore Mrs Kapoor's support needs related to her symptom control. There are some reading materials and other resources on Nursing 2 blackboard that will help you to do this, but you will need to do some wider research of other sources to access more information.
Group 2: Symptoms of Cancer
1. Identify the 3 symptoms you believe Mrs Kapoor is most likely to experience due to her condition. For each of these give a brief explanation of the likely cause and how it might affect Mrs Kapoor.
2. Choose one of these symptoms and explain how it is likely to affect Mrs Kapoor's quality of life.
3. Explore briefly any medical/pharmacological interventions that could be implemented to alleviate this symptom and include information regarding their side effects.
4. Explore any nursing and non-pharmacological/medical interventionsthat could be implemented in order to alleviate this symptom.
5. Which members of the inter-disciplinary team might you involve in supporting Mrs Kapoor with this symptom and explain their role?
Group 2: Psychosocial Care
Your task during this module is to explore Mrs Kapoor's support need related to her psychosocial care. There are some reading materials and other resources on Nursing 2 blackboard that will help you to do this, but you will need to do some wider research of other sources to access more information.
1. Identify 3 psychosocial support needs Mrs Kapoor is likely to experience due to her condition. For each of these give a brief explanation of the likely causes and how it might affect Mrs Kapoor.
2. Choose one of these support needs and explain how it is likely to affect Mrs Kapoor's quality of life.
3. Explore the communication skills required in order to support Mrskapoor with this support need.
4. Exlore any other nursing and non-pharmacological/medical interventions that could be implemented in order to support MrsKapoor in this issue.
5. Which members of the inter-disciplinary team might you involve in supporting Mrs Kapoor with this issue and explain their role?
Group 3: Spiritual and Cultural Care hindu belief
Your task during this module is to explore Mrs Kapoor's support needs related to her spiritual/cultural care. There are some reading materials and other resources on Nursing 2 blackboard that will help you to do this, but you will need to do some wider research of other sources to access more information.
1. Identify the 3 of Mrs Kapoor's spiritual and cultural needs. For each of these give a brief explanation of how these needs might be compromised and the affect it would have on Mrs Kapoor.
2. Choose one of these issues and explain how it is likely to affect Mrs ''Kapoor's quality of life.
3. Explore the interventions that could be implemented in order to support Mrs Kapoor in relation to this need.
5. Which members of the inter-disciplinary team might you involve and explain their role in supporting Mrs Kapoor in relation to this need?
Group 5: Planning future care (Advance Care Planning)
Your task during this module is to explore the advance care planning process in order to support Mrs Kapoor's preferences and wishes in terms of her future care needs and place of care as she deteriorates. There are some reading materials on Nursing 2 blackboard that will help you to do this, but you will need to do some wider research of other sources to access more information.
1. Explain what an advance care plan is, and when it would be used and what purpose it would serve. (Include a brief explanation of "mental capacity" and the "best interests principle").
2. How would you go about broaching the subject of Mrs Kapoor's future care needs and wishes in a sensitive way: What might trigger such conversations, and what questions might you use?
3. Mrs Kapoor has expressed her wish to be cared for at home in the last days of her life and that she would prefer not to die in Hospital. Explain how you might document these wishes (Including any Advance Care Planning tools you may use).
4. Mrs Kapoor has consented for this information to be shared with other professionals as required. Who would you share this information with and what might their role be in ensuring Mrs Kapoor's wishes are respected?
5. What other sources of practical and professional support would you need to consider in order to enable Mrs Kapoor's wishes to be respected?
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar