Examine the role of technology in society

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Reference no: EM131943886

Final Project Guidelines

In this course, you have explored the relationship between technology, society, and the individual. It is important to recognize the influence and impact that emerging technology can have and what that means for individuals in all disciplines.

Technology has a pervading influence into many aspects of society, and how that is dealt with requires diverse knowledge and perspectives to investigate and change. Across many disciplines, the ability to investigate and then articulate a plan to inspire change is often necessary to achieve personal and professional goals. The purpose of this assessment is to examine the role of technology in modern society and how it impacts individuals through the development of a plan that addresses a local or global problem relating to technology.

This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:

  • Analyze the evolving role of technology in one's discipline of study or chosen profession by investigating the influence of technology on modern culture
  • Integrate interdisciplinary approaches for determining how technology affects modern identity in personal and professional contexts
  • Explain how technology influences modern society by employing appropriate research strategies
  • Recommend strategies for utilizing current technology to meet personal and professional goals
  • Articulate informed viewpoints on how technology shapes the world and can influence change using effective communication skills
  • Assess the impact of emerging technologies on societal issues for incorporating diverse perspectives and viewpoints informed by relevant literature and interpersonal experiences

Prompt -

For this assessment, you will choose a local or global issue that pertains to technology. The chosen issue should also relate to one or more of the topics that have been addressed in this course (technologies' influence on identity, gender, etc.). In this presentation, you will explain the issue and how it pertains to technology and provide a plan of action for addressing this issue. This plan includes recommendations for improvements as well as strategies and a plan for implementing the recommendations. You will develop your plan as a multimedia presentation that includes an oral component. This oral component could be audio that accompanies a PowerPoint (or Prezi, Keynote, Presentit, etc.) presentation, or a video presentation with audio. You will be required to provide written speaker notes that correspond with your presentation (whether it is PowerPoint or video).

Be sure to support your answers with appropriate evidence. You are encouraged to conduct interviews with individuals who are involved in or affected by the issue you are addressing, but this is not required. Relevant and appropriate research is also acceptable.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed. These are not in any particular order and can be constructed in your presentation in any configuration:

I. Introduction: For this part of the assessment, you will examine the role of technology in society and how it influences aspects of culture and the individual. You will explore a topic that has been discussed in this course (technology as control, identity, gender, class systems, etc.) to help guide your analysis.

A. Analyze how social practices have shaped technology and how technology has begun to shape social practices. In other words, how has technology changed the everyday operations in modern societies?

B. Analyze the influence of technology on society as a force for social change.

C. Analyze how technology has influenced the behaviors and operations of individuals in your discipline of study or area of interest. In other words, look at the influence of technology through the lens of your discipline.

D. Explain how a topic that has been discussed in this course has or has not shaped our interactions and usage of technology through an interdisciplinary lens.

E. Explain the positive and negative aspects associated with a topic that has been discussed in this course through an interdisciplinary lens.

F. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess how emerging technologies have brought about societal issues.

II. Issue: For this part of the assessment, you will introduce the issue and how it relates to technology and any of the topics that have been discussed in the course.

A. Using appropriate research strategies, describe a social or global issue that is related to technology.

1. What is the origin of the issue?

2. What is the issue about?

B. Using appropriate research strategies, describe the target population of the issue.

1. Who is impacted by the issue?

2. What is important to know about them?

C. Using appropriate research strategies, explain how the chosen issue relates to a topic that has been discussed in this course.

1. In other words, how can you connect the social or global issue you have chosen with a topic that has been discussed in this course?

2. How does it inform your understanding of the issue?

D. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess how the chosen issue is impacting the target population.

E. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, predict how the chosen issue will change or will not change in the future. Be sure to justify your prediction.

III. Plan: For this part of the assessment, you will offer recommendations and a plan to improve the issue, and strategies for implementing your plan.

A. Make recommendations for how the current issue could be addressed so that it no longer adversely affects the target population.

B. Explain how current technology could be utilized to address the chosen issue.

1. Is there new or updated technology that could be used to address an issue associated with older or outdated technology?

2. Could the technology associated with the chosen issue be utilized in different way(s) to address the issue?

C. Imagine you are in charge of addressing your chosen issue. Explain how you would implement your plan through an interdisciplinary lens.

D. Explain the benefits of your plan and justify why your plan would be preferable. Be sure to support your justification with relevant research or individual perspectives.

IV. Presentation: For this part of your assessment, address these specific elements in the construction of your presentation.

A. Construct your presentation in a way that ensures it is logically organized in order to convey your message to your audience.

B. Provide supporting evidence in your presentation to support the importance of the chosen issue.

C. Develop the audio elements to logically flow with your presentation to articulate the importance of the chosen issue and the goals of your plan.

1. Did you emphasize key ideas in your speech?

2. Does your speech logically flow with the accompanying presentation?

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Reference no: EM131943886

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4/16/2018 4:55:54 AM

Detailed Question: I have attached the subject outline as well as the rubric for the assignment. I just need the powerpoint presentation with EXTENSIVE speaker notes. No limit on pages or number of slides. Enough slides to do a 10 minute presentation. Guidelines for Submission: Your multimedia presentation (8–10 slides) with audio elements must accompany your speaker notes (2–3 pages). The length of this presentation (including all audio elements) should be 8-12 minutes.


4/16/2018 4:55:48 AM

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and analysis demonstrates keen insight into the relationship between how technology and social practices have influenced each other. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and analysis demonstrates keen insight into the influence of technology as a force for social change. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and analysis demonstrates keen insight into how technology has influenced the behaviors and operations of individuals in the discipline of study. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and usage of interdisciplinary lens demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the influence of technology on many disciplines. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and usage of interdisciplinary lens demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the influence of technology on many disciplines.


4/16/2018 4:55:43 AM

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and relevant research or diverse perspectives used demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the impact of emerging technologies on societal issues. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and description demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the relationship between the chosen issue and technology. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and description demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the target population. Meets “Proficient” criteria and makes cogent connections between the chosen issue and a topic discussed in this course. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and relevant research or diverse perspectives used demonstrate a nuanced understanding of how the chosen issue is impacting the target population. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and usage of interdisciplinary lens demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the influence of technology on many disciplines.


4/16/2018 4:55:37 AM

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and recommendations made demonstrate keen insight into how to address the chosen issue. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and explanation demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the technological options that could address the chosen issue. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and usage of interdisciplinary lens demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the influence of technology on many disciplines.Meets “Proficient” criteria, and relevant research or diverse perspectives used demonstrate keen insight into why the plan would be preferable.Meets “Proficient” criteria, and organization cogently conveys the message to the target audience.


4/16/2018 4:55:31 AM

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and supporting evidence in the presentation cogently conveys the importance of the chosen issue and the goals of the plan. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and flow of the presentation cogently articulates the important of the chosen issue and the goals of the plan. Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format.


4/16/2018 4:53:31 AM

Organized - Presentation is clear and cohesive, particularly for the audience; begins with a broader view of the topic and then narrows the focus. Evidence - Supporting research or perspectives are incorporated into the presentation and support the message of the presentation. Flow - Audio elements emphasize the key ideas of the speech and flow cohesively with the accompanying presentation.

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