Examine the risk factors and the various protective factors

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Reference no: EM131104659

Developmental and Environmental Risk Factors

There are various risk factors-multiple environmental and developmental experiences-that may lead to criminal behavior. Some examples of these risk factors may include, but are not limited to, a history of violence, abuse or trauma, substance abuse, peer rejection, or cognitive limitations. These risk factors can be further broken down into the risk of impact to the individual, family, peer, and community.

Multiple protective factors have been identified as having a significant propensity to reduce risk. These factors include promoting strong attitudes against violence, success in academic achievement, and forming positive peer relationships. There is a significant amount of literature available that examines the salience of each risk and protective factor.

Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research environmental and developmental risk factors that may lead to criminal behavior. Select two peer-reviewed articles for use in this assignment.

In this assignment, you will take on the role of a supervisor at a juvenile detention center. You have been charged with training psychology interns on the salience of risk and protective factors. This is important information they must consider when assessing this population or providing treatment. You will utilize the selected articles to support your assertions.

As part of your training for the interns, you will create a scripted Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that covers the following:

Examine the risk factors and the various protective factors that may mitigate the level of risk.

Identify any gender differences that impact the salience of these factors.

Be sure to include detailed speaker's notes that elaborate on the main points of each slide. Also include a title slide and a slide listing your references in APA format. Include complete reference details for your selected peer-reviewed articles.

Develop a 9-11-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Reference no: EM131104659

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