Reference no: EM132648508
Assignment: 1. For this discussion topic, you will need to research storage virtualization and its benefits. Your initial post should focus on what benefits exist from virtualizing the storage attached to the hypervisor.
2. For this discussion topic, you will need to research network virtualization and examine the resources you find carefully. While most of the information you find will be targeted at the reasons to virtualize networks, you need to determine what pitfalls exist. Summarize your findings in your initial post.
3. For this discussion topic, you are expected to do research and post your findings on the pros and cons of implementing and using a virtual desktop infrastructure.
4. In IT, sometimes a large part of the battle when developing a solution to a problem is knowing what options exist. For this assignment, you will research what companies offer network virtualization products and how their products differ with the goal of writing up a summary of what options exist. You should include in your summary if any of these solutions come from existing network hardware companies.
5. For this assignment do research on either VMware Horizon or Microsoft Remote Desktop Services and complete a plan to implement a virtual desktop infrastructure based on up on the business details provided. You plan should include details as to how many of what types of servers would be needed, how many and what types of virtual desktops would be needed and any other considerations you might encounter.
6. For this assignment you will research the common client hardware and software that is used by end users to access virtual desktop environments. You should explore each of the client connection methods in detail list both pros and cons for each connection method or device. You need to have a minimum of 3 different devices or connection types discussed in your paper.