Examine the professional sales training

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1327585

Some people will say that experience is the best teacher and that professional sales training theory will only take an individual so far. If you are the sales manager, how do you react to this statement? Does sales theory help in being a successful salesperson? Examine the perspective that experience, coupled with theory training, is the most successful way to succeed in sales. Are there additional considerations? Within your response, include and cite a relevant quote from your textbook

Reference no: EM1327585

Questions Cloud

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Explaining employee handbook : How could you address state, federal, and international laws, if any, regarding privacy in an employee handbook section? How could you address state, federal, and international laws, if any, regarding privacy in an employee handbook section?
Explain enhance network security : Explain Enhance network security and assume that you are the network security officer of a company


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