Examine the productions of genie

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133444378


As we discussed it has been claimed that Genie, who was kept in a room with virtually no language input from age 2-13, developed no complete grammar. We don't really know what "developed no grammar" means, but to probe what this might mean, we will examine the productions of Genie Here are some details on Genie: After years of therapy, her lexical abilities dramatically improved and she was able to produce simple sentences. Consider the following data from Genie and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Genie laughing.
(b) Genie love Curtiss.
(c) Grandma gave me cereal.
(d) Genie have full stomach.
(e) No more have.
(f) No like hospital.
(g) Not have orange record.

1. Assuming that these utterances are representative of Genie's productions, do the patterns shown in the data above suggest that Genie adhered to the argument structure requirements of verbs or are there some errors in the data that suggest otherwise? Point to specific examples to support your answer.

2. Looking beyond argument structure, what kinds of errors are exhibited in the data in (a)-(e)? What stage does Genie seem to be in? Point to specific examples to support your answer.

3. In negative constructions, what stage does Genie seem to be in? How do you characterize the pattern exhibited?

Reference no: EM133444378

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