Reference no: EM132509083
Question 1: Gender stereotypes: Is it okay for a boy to cry?
Question 2: Who is to blame for today's insane beauty standards?
- Top 3 misconceptions kids get from TV ads
- The pros and cons of mainstream schools
Question 3: Are women less privileged in today's society than men?
Question 4: Are working women better mothers?
Question 5: When a couple has children whose responsibility is it to raise the children?
Question 6: Does wealth always make people less ethical?
Question 7: Are only men to blame for the objectification of women's bodies?
Question 8: Did the feminism movement contribute to the moral decline of America?
Question 9: Is intelligence more important than beauty for success in today's society?
Question 10: Imagine your kid/brother/friend is gay/lesbian. Would you fight for his/her rights?
Question 11: How does social decline affect morality?
Question 12: Do we need a universal health care system?
Question 13: How to address the issues of the aging population.
Question 14: What is your responsibility as a member of a society?
Question 15: How can the problem of Racism be curbed in the U.S.?
Question 16: Discuss factors that perpetuate crime.
Question 17: Does Hegemony exist in Education?
Question 18: Examine the problems persistent in community living.
Question 19: How is the individual personality conditioned by culture?