Examine the participants demographic profiles

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM133154219

Tasks 1:

a. Please examine the participants' demographic profiles based on the following variables: age, gender, and language.

b. Please test the association between perceived busy level and purchase likelihood, and the association between perceived busy level and age.

c. Please discuss the marketing implications of the analysis findings. That is, please apply the analysis findings to a real-world organisation: please provide specific recommendations to the organisation based on the analysis findings, in order to improve the organisation's marketing practice.

Tasks 2:
a. Please examine the participants' demographic profiles based on the following variables: age, gender, and income.

b. Please test the association between concreteness level and satisfaction, and the association between concreteness level and income.

c. Please discuss the marketing implications of the analysis findings. That is, please apply the analysis findings to a real-world organisation: please provide specific recommendations to the organisation based on the analysis findings, in order to improve the organisation's marketing practice.

Attachment:- Tasks on Dataset.rar

Reference no: EM133154219

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