Examine the origins and the evolution of the us healthcare

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132196378 , Length: 3


Imagine yourself as an administrator ready to undertake a new quality improvement program for your hospital.

You need to explain the history and evolution of quality improvement programs to your employees and detail how the implementation of any new program developed will be incorporated into the strategic plan for the facility.

Through this effort you want to prepare the team for development of a new strategic plan and quality improvement programs you are planning for the long-term care facility that will result in improved patient outcomes for the facility.


In this assignment you will examine the origins and the evolution of the US healthcare quality movement. You will explain some of the elements involved in the successful healthcare quality improvements efforts. Also, examine the elements needed in a good strategic plan for the facility.

Finally, detail how the implementation of any new program developed will be included and align with the strategic plan and operations for the facility.

This assignment will be at least 3 pages long in APA format.

The paper should have at least three references other than the book for the course.

Grading criteria will be based upon APA guidelines, spelling and grammar, as well as how well your mission statement reflects the goals of the practice you have set up.


Examine the origins and the evolution of the US healthcare quality movement.

Explain some of the elements involved in the successful healthcare quality improvements efforts.

Examine the elements needed in a good strategic plan for the facility and details how the implementation of any new program developed will be included and align with the strategic plan for the facility.

Reference no: EM132196378

Questions Cloud

Identify control measures you would use to mitigate hazards : Finally, using the hierarchy of controls, identify control measures you would use to mitigate the hazards and enter those into the last column.
What would you improve as a manager responsible for project : For example, what things went well and what would you improve as a manager responsible for the project. Be sure to apply all of the APA requirements listed.
Does this integral theory align with the christian worldview : Integral theory suggests that human development and psychological stages of growth should be integrated with a spiritual state of awareness.
Emerging global trends : Discuss your perceptions of the research into international organizations and issues.
Examine the origins and the evolution of the us healthcare : Imagine yourself as an administrator ready to undertake a new quality improvement program for your hospital.
Social media plays role in that endeavor : Whether applying for a job to making yourself known in the employment world, social media plays a role in that endeavor.
Targeted individual consumers and customer communities : Direct and Digital Marketing is defined as engaging directly with carefully targeted individual consumers and customer communities to obtain immediate response
Discuss the organizations that provide quality performance : Discuss the organizations involved in public reporting of quality performance data for healthcare organizations.
Describe the findings of the research : Using Google Scholar or EBSCO Library find two peer-reviewed articles written in the last three years illustrating researched teams in healthcare.


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