Reference no: EM131060133 , Length: word count:3000
Founded in 1890, the University of Tasmania is the fourth oldest university in Australia. It has over 29,000 local, national and international students, four campuses, and is a major employer in Tasmania. If you look at their website you will see this description:
The University of Tasmania (UTAS) is an institution of global standing and impact. Ranked in the top 2% of the world's universities and in the top ten Australian research universities, UTAS has a growing reputation as one of Australia's premier learning and research institutions. UTAS' success as a global university is underpinned by collaborative partnerships with individuals, universities and other organisations who share our strategic outlook. These partnerships are founded on the co-creation of opportunities for both teaching and research collaboration, and bring together people who share our passion for high-impact outcomes.
Your task
You are a sustainability consultant and UTAS has commissioned your services to examine their organisation in terms of sustainability. You will present your findings in a Report. To do this, you will need to complete the following tasks:
-Gather evidence of UTAS' current practices. Relevant information can be found on the UTAS website, but you will no doubt need more information than is provided by the organisation. Make sure you reference from where you are sourcing your information.
-Apply your Final Sustainability Framework to the evidence that you have collected. Determine UTAS' current level of sustainability based on where it is positioned on your Final Sustainability Framework.
-Detail your findings in the Findings section of your report.
-If, by now, you feel that your Sustainability Framework is lacking in something, or that it is limited in some way, describe this in a section of your report called Limitations.
-In the Recommendations section of your report, you must make recommendations explaining how practices at UTAS could be changed to improve the organisation's level of sustainability. These recommendations must be supported with evidence from the academic and professional literature.
The structure of the report-
REMEMBER: Your word limit is 3000 words. This excludes tables and figures, the Executive Summary, and your reference list. Your report must be uploaded to the Dropbox.
Your report should follow a report structure that contains the following sections:
Designed for busy executives to 'glance' at, this short summary details the purpose, main findings and recommendations. It is not necessary to justify the findings or recommendations here. This should be no more than 1-3 paragraphs in length.
Imagine that a new employee of the University of Tasmania is reading the report. They need to read this section to learn the history of the report, including:
Who - requested the report (e.g. the University of Tasmania Council) and who generated the report
When - describes when the report was requested, the time period it examined, and when the report was due.
Why - details the purpose of the report and the desired outcome.
This section is brief: up to four paragraphs should be sufficient.
This section details where UTAS is positioned on your sustainability framework. It also details the evidence you used to make your judgments. You may wish to organise your findings using subheadings, for example, a sub heading for each of the criteria in your framework.
If you feel that your framework was lacking something, you may wish to include this section to report the limitations of your findings.
In this section, you will make recommendations regarding how UTAS can improve its level of sustainability. You must justify each recommendation using evidence from the professional and academic literature. In text references must be included in Harvard style.
Imagine that the reader has read all the way through your report. In this section, you want to quickly remind them of the main findings of the report, and a general overview of your recommendations. You are not to include any new ideas in the conclusion. Keep this section brief: one to three paragraphs should suffice.
Include the full details of the references you referred to (in text) throughout your report. You must list the references in alphabetical order, using the Harvard referencing style.
This section can contain tables, figures and so forth that help interested parties make more sense of your findings and recommendations. It contains evidence that supports your findings and recommendations - it must not contain any new ideas, findings or recommendations.