Reference no: EM133748215
As a researcher, you want to replicate the study in Denver. Specifically, you want to examine the morale of officers in Denver Police Department (DPD) using the same research methods as in the above article. Think about survey questions that might have been included in the original study based on the information in the article. Last, describe the sampling method of your choice. Your answers should be in no less than 300 words in total.
1. Write down at least five questions as well as attributes (or choices) used for each question as shown in the example below. (Remember that this research will be done in Denver, not in New York.) (Example: How much do you agree or disagree with each statement?
1. Suspects are now more likely to actively resist arrest in Denver.
(1) Strongly Disagree
(2) Disagree
(3) Neither Disagree Nor Agree
(4) Agree
(5) Strongly Agree)
2. Write down at least three questions that ask background information (e.g., age, gender, years of service, etc.) of participating officers. Make sure you address all important issues in developing survey questions.
3. Imagine that DPD has 1,500 full-time, sworn officers and you want to sample 200 representative officers due to limited time and resources for the study. Which sampling method would you use? Be specific in presenting the reasons for your choice.