Examine the list of vitamins-minerals-nutrients

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133640135


For this exercise, will need to collect 3-5 food labels. From these labels, you will examine the list of vitamins/minerals/nutrients (typically the top in a white table labeled 'Nutritional Facts'), proportions (also in 'Nutritional Facts'), and ingredients (typically at the end or outside of the table).

Nutritional Facts: Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients

  • From the food labels, pick 5 vitamins/minerals/nutrients and research what it/they is/are. Describe what is the benefit and/or cost to the human body. Also identify any other scientific and/or common names, as it/they may also appear as a synonymous name in other products.

Proportion Size

  • Pick 3 labels from your collection. Pay careful attention to the number of serving sizes and the quantity of each vitamin/mineral/nutrient. You will proportion each serving size for each vitamin/mineral/nutrient to the total serving size per package. It may be best to create table to demonstrate the comparison(s).


  • From the food labels, pick 5 ingredients and research what it/they is/are. In particular, I want you to select ingredients that are either complex in name or difficult to pronounce. Describe what is the benefit and/or cost to the human body. Also identify any other scientific and/or common names, as it/they may also appear as a synonymous name in other products.

This exercise can be written and submitted as an MS Word document. The length will vary on the amount of research you include to uncover the identity of your selected items.

Reference no: EM133640135

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