Examine the limits to confidentiality

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Reference no: EM131690478

In this course, two assignments, i.e., RA 1 (M3_A2) and the Module 5 LASA, make up 50 percent of your total class grade.

In RA 1, you will analyze a scenario involving ethical issues in forensic assessment. You will be asked to identify the applicable APA ethics codes and discuss roles of the evaluator and the third-party observer.

In the Module 5 LASA, you will be asked to analyze a forensic psychological and risk assessment report of an offender recently released on parole. You will evaluate the quality of the report as well as its applicability in other situations. You will also consider expert witness testimony and explain how the recommendation of the report can be used to devise a treatment plan.

M3_A2-RA: Ethical Issues during Forensic Assessments

When conducting forensic assessments, it is important for forensic mental health professionals to have a thorough understanding of the following:

· Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct Including 2010 Amendments

· Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology: Adopted by APA Council of Representatives

Ethical issues are commonly present when completing forensic assessments. Read the scenario below and discuss the ethical issues therein.

Dr. Smith was contacted by the District County Attorney's office to evaluate Mr. Doe as part of a sexually violent predator civil commitment hearing. Dr. Smith agreed to complete the evaluation and contacted the prison facility, where Mr. Doe was being held, to schedule an appointment.

Upon arrival at the prison, Mr. Doe's attorney indicated that he wanted to be present for the interview and psychological testing. Dr. Smith agreed, and they proceeded with the interview. During the interview, while discussing his sex offense history, Mr. Doe admitted to offending against two adult females. He also reported offending against his three-year-old daughter. He indicated that his relationship with his wife, although rocky at times, is generally supportive. Upon inquiry, he reported a history of domestic abuse, which was never reported. He explained that due to his arrest and incarceration, his wife has had to find a job to be able to continue to afford their housing. He reported that he previously worked as a general maintenance worker at a local trucking company. He explained that he cheated on his wife with a coworker, who has since stopped all communication. He indicated that this coworker used to visit and send him letters and money when he was first "locked up." He reported that he was angry that she ceased all communication, without explanation, and spoke of her with rage and hostility. He said, "If I ever see her again, I'll kill her."

During the administration of the psychological tests, Mr. Doe asked to use the restroom once and was provided another five-minute break. There was a great deal of background noise throughout the interview and administration. On two occasions, Mr. Doe asked his attorney how he should answer the question. He was advised, and he answered as such. Upon the completion of testing, Dr. Smith thanked Mr. Doe and his attorney for their time and indicated that he would see them in court.

If released, Mr. Doe will return to his home with his wife and two daughters. He has reported to the prison staff that he will also return to his previous job and may enroll in vocational classes at an area community college.


As a forensic mental health professional, discuss the ethical issues in the scenario. Refer to the following resources:

· American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct including 2010 amendments. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx

· American Psychology-Law Society. (2011). Specialty guidelines for forensic psychology: Adopted by APA Council of Representatives [Unofficial version]. Retrieved from https://www.ap-ls.org/aboutpsychlaw/SGFP_Final_Approved_2011.pdf

Write a 5- to 6-page report in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:

· Identify the appropriate APA ethical code(s) and the specialty guidelines that may apply to this scenario.

· Examine the limits of confidentiality. How might those limits be affected by some of the information contained in the scenario?

· Discuss specific circumstances in the case study in which there might be a duty to report or duty to warn.

· Explain the limitations of what the evaluator can and cannot say.

· Discuss the implications of the third-party observer to the overall evaluation.

Your report should rely upon at least four scholarly resources from the professional literature that are cited in APA format. The literature may include the University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, and .gov).

Submission Details:

· November 7th, save your report and submit it

· The RA is worth 200 points and will be graded according to the following rubric:

Rubric Name: FP6520_M3A2_Grading_Rubric


Max Points

Identify the appropriate APA ethical code(s) and the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists that appear within this scenario. CO 1. 52 points

Examine the limits to confidentiality.

Discuss duty to report and/or duty to warn.

Explain the limitations of what the evaluator can and cannot say

Discuss the implications of the third-party observer to the overall evaluation

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Reference no: EM131690478

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