Examine the interrelationship between the four elements

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131964787

Assignment: Competitive Advantage and the Value Chain

The purpose of this Assignment is to confirm your understanding of the direct correlation between an effective value chain and a firm's competitive advantage by examining the relationship between customer delight, profitability, competitive advantage, and effective value chain management.


Use the APA formatted Microsoft Word document template in Course Documents titled "Unit 2 Assignment Template Competitive Advantage" as the starting point.

Write a 4 paper, not including title and reference pages, making a compelling argument as to why an effective value chain creates competitive advantage.

Write your paper using third person perspective (do not use first or second person pronouns; (e.g., "I," "me," "you," "we").

In your paper, you will examine the concepts and interrelationships of customer delight, profitability, competitive advantage, and effective value chain management by following the directions included within the Unit 2 Assignment template. Included within this examination:

Discuss each of the four elements.

Examine the interrelationship between the four elements.

Provide two examples of companies that have been successful in this integration, two examples of companies that have not been successful in this integration, and include explanations for your choices.

Include a conclusion summarizing the paper's content without introducing any new information.

Support your response's content with at least three separate applied and cited references. Accepted sources are: Library article(s), the textbook and the chosen example companies' websites. No other internet references are acceptable for the Unit 2 Assignment. Apply and cite no more than one referenced sentence per paragraph. Not every paragraph requires use of a reference; originality is appreciated. Use APA in-text citations within the response and list the applied reference(s) at the end of the response using APA formatting. APA formatting resources are available in the Academic Resources area titled, "APA Style Central."

Proofread your paper, confirm correct APA formatting, run spell check and grammar check and proofread again.

Verified Expert

This project discussed about the correlation between the customer delight, profitability, competitive advantage, and value chain management. It helps I understanding the four elements in detail and how they linked to each other to attain success in the business. the four companies has been chosen to demonstrate how these companies successfully and unsuccessfully integrate with the four elements.

Reference no: EM131964787

Questions Cloud

Provisions of the national labor relations act of 1935 : What are the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935?
Describe the two types of sexual harassment : Describe the two types of sexual harassment. Describe 5 activities that could be construed as sexual harassment.
Pervasive pattern or practice of discrimination : What is meant by a "pervasive pattern or practice of discrimination"? What is it applied to?
What does disparate treatment and disparate impact refer to : What does disparate treatment and disparate impact refer to? How are they different? Provide an example of each.
Examine the interrelationship between the four elements : Discuss each of the four elements - Examine the interrelationship between the four elements and Provide two examples of companies that have been successful
Primary approaches to providing income protection : What are the primary approaches to providing income protection, and for whom are these approaches geared to?
What statute imposes a minimum wage requirement on employers : Name two exceptions to the minimum wage requirement. What other two important aspects does this statute set forth requirement?
Create a disaster recovery plan for a fictitious business : Create a disaster recovery plan for a fictitious business with characteristics: is an urgent care clinic, contains 4 doctors 10 nurses and 2 nurse practitioner.
What do you think is the most difficult challenge : "What do you think is the most difficult challenge for U.S. businesses that want to do business in your country?"



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5/1/2018 3:16:11 AM

Content demonstrated original thought and exhibited appropriate judgments, conclusions and assessment based on evaluation and synthesis of information. 80%– 85% of the paper’s content was written in the student’s own words. 15 The content used good composition, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling, and included a conclusion summarizing the paper without introducing any new information. 10 Total Points 100


5/1/2018 3:16:06 AM

Provided two examples of companies that have been successful in this integration and two examples of companies that have not been successful in this integration; included supporting explanation for your choices. 20 Supported your response’s content with at least three applied and cited references. Accepted sources are the Library article(s), the textbook and the chosen example companies’ websites. Applied and cited no more than one referenced sentence per paragraph. Used APA in-text citation within the response and list the applied reference(s) at the end of the response using APA formatting. 5


5/1/2018 3:15:58 AM

Unit 2 Assignment Rubric: Competitive Advantage and the Value Chain The purpose of this Assignment: To confirm your understanding of the direct correlation between an effective value chain and a firm’s competitive advantage by examining the relationship between customer delight, profitability, competitive advantage and effective value chain management. Grading Criteria Possible points Earned points Wrote an APA formatted 4–6-page paper, plus title page and references page, using third person perspective and completed all requirements identified in the Unit 2 Assignment template. 10 Examined the concepts of a customer delight, profitability, competitive advantage, and effective value chain management and described their interrelationship. 40


5/1/2018 3:15:47 AM

5. Include a conclusion summarizing the paper’s content without introducing any new information. 6. Support your response’s content with at least three separate applied and cited references. Accepted sources are the Library article(s), the textbook and the chosen example companies’ websites. No other internet references are acceptable for the Assignment. Apply and cite no more than one referenced sentence per paragraph. Not every paragraph requires use of a reference; originality is appreciated. Use APA in-text citations within the response and list the applied reference(s) at the end of the response using APA formatting. APA formatting resources are available in the Writing Center in the “Research, Citation, and Plagiarism” area or in Academic Tools area by selecting “APA Style Central.” 7. Proofread your paper, confirm correct APA formatting, run spell check and grammar check and proofread again. Submit your completed paper into the Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox.


5/1/2018 3:15:17 AM

GB570: Managing the Value Chain The purpose of this Assignment is to confirm your understanding of the direct correlation between an effective value chain and a firm’s competitive advantage by examining the relationship between customer delight, profitability, competitive advantage, and effective value chain management. Directions 1. Use the APA formatted Microsoft® Word® document template in Course Documents titled “Unit 2 Assignment Template Competitive Advantage” as the starting point. Download the template and save it as your own document, for example, YourNameUnit2GB570.docx. 2. Write a 4–6-page paper, not including title and reference pages, making a compelling argument as to why an effective value chain creates competitive advantage. 3. Write your paper using third person perspective (do not use first or second person pronouns; (e.g. “I,” “me,” “you,” “we”).

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