Examine the importance of follow up to sales relationship

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131403700

Career Connection: Customer Satisfaction Strategy

Select a company with which you are familiar. The company should have a sales force and customer service division.

You are in charge of coming up with a customer satisfaction strategy to help the organization increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Part 1

Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word customer satisfaction strategy. In this strategy include the following:

Identify parts of the sales process that can result in improved or reduced customer satisfaction.

Examine the importance of follow up to the sales relationship. How does follow up help increase customer satisfaction?

Explain how the unhappy customer also presents opportunities within the sales process.

Determine the relationship of customer service and sales within the organization. Does the relationship seem to support the customer? Do sales and service appear to work together or is the relationship adversarial?

Recommend ways to change this relationship to improve customer satisfaction.

Discuss the ways this change to the service and sales relationship will benefit the organization as a whole.

Part 2

Create a script of no more than 350 words addressing unhappy customers. The cause of the unhappy customer is up to the team and can include more than one cause and the script(s) should include the following:

The script is a response to an unhappy customer.

The script includes an option for refunding or exchanging a product or service.

The script allows you to regain the customer's trust.

Individual Assignment: Customer Satisfaction Strategy

Purpose of Assignment

Customer satisfaction is one of the key aspects of an effective sales relationship. The Customer Satisfaction Strategy assignment allows students to create a plan and strategy to manage this relationship as well as that between sales and customer service. The assignment also includes a script which provides students with a chance to create a dialogue that would take place in the typical challenging sales relationship.

Reference no: EM131403700

Questions Cloud

Explain how to follow up to assess customer satisfaction : Explain how to follow up to assess customer satisfaction. Explain how to harness technology to enhance follow-up and buyer-seller relationships. Discuss how to take action to ensure customer satisfaction.
What is benefit of using present discounted value analysis : How can you calculate the interest rate associated with a given set of assets?
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Sociologist weber model of bureaucracy : Can Facebook Culture be explained with sociologist Weber's model of bureaucracy? Why or why not?
Examine the importance of follow up to sales relationship : Examine the importance of follow up to the sales relationship. How does follow up help increase customer satisfaction? Explain how the unhappy customer also presents opportunities within the sales process.
Social constructionist position : Using the social constructionist position, explain how gender inequality is perpetuated through the education system. Explain using an example.
What is approximate percentage of scores that were above 680 : What is the approximate percentage of scores that were between 380 and 580?- What is the approximate percentage of scores that were above 680?
Identify one component in the performance management process : Please identify one component in the performance management process at the Balme Library that has not been implemented effectively (there are several; choose only one)
Draw the extensive form of this game : Draw the extensive form of this game. Let Thing 1's strategies be "Cut Evenly" or "Cut Unevenly"; depending on what's on the platter, Thing 2's strategies might include "Take Big Slice," "Take Small Slice," or "Take Equal Slice." Assign payoffs to..


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