Reference no: EM133067789 , Length: word count:2000
This assessment aims to ensure that the students can appraise, critically apply, and utilize the new disruptive technologies strategy in the finance sector in the UAE.
In performing your analysis, carefully read the presented questions in the final part of this task. Make sure you comprehend every item. Refer each question to one or more specific topics presented in the classes that are, in your opinion, relevant to responding. Provide your reply using the particular concepts and knowledge acquired on every topic that best addresses each question.
Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate a critical awareness knowledge issues, as the basis for original thinking; encompassing current processes of knowledge production related to finance
Learning Outcome 2: Critically apply advanced skills required in research, analysis, evaluation of complex ideas, information, concepts and/or activities related to finance
Assessment Requirement:
Students are required to address the following questions related to the "Case study Ista: Digging deep into CVC's long-term investment".
1. Critically evaluate benefits of the long-term investment to CVC and Ista based on the "Case study Ista: Digging deep into CVC's long-term investment".
2. Critically analyze the changes in CVC's revenues and EBITDA during the investment phase
3. Examine the impact of the level of liabilities and interest payment obligations during each new transaction financing and propose relevant recommendations to ensure a better financial position.
Reference list should follow APA style of referencing
Attachment:- Assessment_requirement.rar