Examine the ethical, legal, and political implications

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Reference no: EM133471112

Assignment - Beliefs and Opinions of Authority

In this assignment, you will discuss how the imbalance of power creates or sustains systemic issues by examining one of the topics below. In so doing, you will examine the ethical, legal, and political implications of inequality and inequity at a societal level. This will increase your awareness of how social intelligence can help leaders make fairer decisions for society. You can also apply this learning to your personal decision-making process, to make choices that benefit the people you interact with every day.

Select one of the topics listed in the Topics section below.
Read the articles provided for that topic.


Topic 1: Inequality in the Workforce.
The US Economy Lost 140,000 Jobs in December. All of Them Were Held by Women.
5 Years of Leaning in.

Topic 2: Sanctions Against Released Inmates.
From Prisons to Communities: Confronting Re-entry Challenges and Social Inequality.
Locked up to locked out: Recently Released Prisoners Face Unprecedented Challenges Amid Coronavirus Crisis.

Topic 3: Public Restrooms
3 Myths That Shape the Transgender Bathroom Debate.
Federal Court Rules That Transgender Students Must be Allowed to Use Bathrooms That Match Their Gender.

Reference no: EM133471112

Questions Cloud

What social problems do you see in the story : What social problems do you see in the story? How did social problems, as we have defined and studied them, combine to create the tragedy described
What are your personal beliefs-philosophies about teaching : Based on your experiences as a student and as a teacher, what are your personal beliefs or philosophies about teaching?
Discuss the importance of developing a data migration plan : Discuss the importance of developing a data migration plan and what may result if data migration is not considered in a project plan.
How might social conflict be understood using symbolic : How might social conflict be understood using symbolic interactionism? Come up with and discuss an application of this theory to the question of conflict
Examine the ethical, legal, and political implications : examine the ethical, legal, and political implications of inequality and inequity at a societal level. This will increase your awareness
What ways did the civilizations of china-europe : In what ways did the civilizations of China, Europe, and the Islamic world seem to be moving in the same direction.
What you do to create a more equitable learning environment : What could you do to create a more equitable learning environment for all young children and their families? Your response needs to consider and address.
How they work to maintain social order in society : How they work to maintain social order in society. How does Merton's understanding of social order differ from Durkheim? In what ways are they the same
How multiple systems within the social environment interact : How multiple systems within the social environment interact to impact individuals across the life span. Use Lesters case as an example


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