Examine the duties-rights and responsibilities of officers

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131031537 , Length: word count:2000

Company law Assignment and Presentation

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to:

- Recognise the laws relating to companies in Australia; and
- Examine the duties, rights and responsibilities of company officers


1. Create a group of 2 students.

2. Select a case below to find, read, understand and present.

3. The length of the written assignment is to be approximately 2000 Words. (Each member of the group must write 1000 words).

4. The written assignment and presentation slides must be in the IRAC method. Maximum 8 slides, and three short points per slide.

5. Each member of the group is to present two parts of the IRAC method (I= issues and facts; Relevant laws and principles; A= Arguments of the parties and analysis, C= conclusion and court outcome).

Case Options (lecturer approval required)

1. Forrest v ASIC (2014)
2. ASIC v Citigroup (2007)
3. ASIC v Soust (2010)
4. North v Marra Developments Ltd (1981)
5. Fame Decorator Agencies Pty Ltd v Jeffries Industries Ltd (1998)
6. Gambotto v WCP Ltd (1995)
7. Northside Developments Pty Ltd v Registrar-General (1990)
8. Permanent Trustee Australia Ltd (as Trustee of Advance Property Fund) v Stout and Others (1999)
9. Nassar v Innovative Precasters Group Pty Ltd (2009)
10. McGellin v Mount King Mining NL (1998)
11. Beck v Weinstock (2013)
12. Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd (in liq) (1986)
13. ASIC v Hellicar (2012)
14. ASIC v Lindberg (2012)
15. Shafron v ASIC (2012)
16. ASIC v Healey (2011)
17. Vines v ASIC (2006)
18. ASIC v Adler (2002)
19. Brunninghausen v Glavanics (1999)
20. ASIC v Rich (2003)
21. ASIC v Parker (2003)
22. ASIC v Loiterton (2004)
23. ASIC v PFS Business Development Group Pty Ltd (2006)
24. Hall v Poolman (2007)
25. ASIC v Australian Investors Forum Pty Ltd (No. 2) (2005)
26. State of South Australia v Marcus Clark (1996)
27. ASIC v Vizard (2005)
28. ASIC v McDonald (No.11) (2009)
29. ASIC v NRMA (2002)
30. ASIC v Plymin (2003)
31. ASIC v Cyclone Magnetic Engines Inc (2010)
32. ASC v MacLeod (2000)
33. Biodiesel Producers Ltd v Stewart (2007)
34. AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd v Direct Share Purchasing Corporation Pty Ltd (2009)
35. Wilson v Manna Hill Mining Corporation Pty Ltd (2004)
36. Wenzel v ASX Ltd (2002)
37. R v Rivkin (2004)
38. Kwok v R (2007)
39. Isak Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd v Faress (2003)
40. Capricornia Credit Union Ltd v ASIC (2007)

2000 words report and Power point presentation

There is one assignment of Company Law. In that assignment I have highlighted a subject on which whole assignment has to be done. Its highlighted with the green and I made the font little bigger.

The rest all topis are useless. You will see about 40 topis. The one is selected is 26 number. This particular assignment has to be done is words document and power point for the presentation. Please prepare nice presentation so I can present this in the class only for the company law assignment.

Reference no: EM131031537

Questions Cloud

Determine how long he can survive on his body fat alone : Consider a man who has 20 kg of body fat when he goes on a hunger strike. Determine how long he can survive on his body fat alone.
What is the molar mass of the given substance : If 4.05 x 1023 molecules of a substance have a mass of 86.2 g, what is the molar mass of the substance? How many nitrate ions are present in 0.200 mol of Zn(NO3)2?
Discuss your planned execution of the strategy : Discuss your planned execution of the strategy. Discuss how you would use ROI (return on investments) and cost-benefit analysis as part of your business strategy.
Marginal distribution of school permissiveness : Your percent from the previous exercise is part of (i) the marginal distribution of school permissiveness. (ii) the marginal distribution of the frequency that a teen brought a cell phone to school.
Examine the duties-rights and responsibilities of officers : Recognise the laws relating to companies in Australia; and Examine the duties, rights and responsibilities of company officers
Determine how long it will take to burn the calories : A 12-oz serving of a regular beer contains 13 g of alcohol and 13 g of carbohydrates, and thus 150 Calories. A 12-oz serving of a light beer contains 11 g of alcohol and 5 g of carbohydrates, and thus 100 Calories.
Statistical abstract of the united states : Look at the most recent Statistical Abstract of the United States (www.census.gov/compendia/statab/) and make a two-way table that provides the counts of deaths due to accidents from various causes for three different age groups. What do you concl..
Diversity of arab americans : Diversity of Arab Americans Estimates of the number of Muslim Americans and their ethnic composition Blended Identity
Problem regarding the source of the data : We found several sources of data by doing a Google search on "faculty head count by rank and gender." In addition to discussing the pattern you find, provide the data, the name of the school, and the source of the data.


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