Reference no: EM131751867
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to:
- Recognise the laws relating to companies in Australia; and
- Examine the duties, rights and responsibilities of company officers
Case Options (lecturer approval required)
1. Forrest v ASIC (2014)
2. ASIC v Citigroup (2007)
3. Australian Securities and Investments Commission, in the matter of Sino Australia Oil and Gas Limited (in liq) v Sino Australia Oil and Gas Limited (in liq) [2016] FCA 934 (11 August 2016)
4. Stimpson, in the matter of Eagle Boys Dial-A-Pizza Australia Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) v Eagle Boys Dial-A-Pizza Australia Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) [2016] FCA 935 (11 August 2016)
5. Australian Securities and Investments Commission v CME Capital Australia Pty Ltd, in the matter of CME Capital Australia Pty Ltd (No 2) [2016] FCA 544 (16 May 2016)
6. Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Bilkurra Investments Pty Ltd [2016] FCA 371 (15 April 2016)
7. Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Astra Resources PLC [2015] FCA 759 (24 July 2015)
8. ASIC v Soust (2010)
9. North v Marra Developments Ltd (1981)
10. Fame Decorator Agencies Pty Ltd v Jeffries Industries Ltd (1998)
11. Gambotto v WCP Ltd (1995)
12. Northside Developments Pty Ltd v Registrar-General (1990)
13. Permanent Trustee Australia Ltd (as Trustee of Advance Property Fund) v Stout and Others (1999)
14. Nassar v Innovative Precasters Group Pty Ltd (2009)
15. McGellin v Mount King Mining NL (1998)
16. Beck v Weinstock (2013)
17. Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd (in liq) (1986)
18. ASIC v Hellicar (2012)
19. ASIC v Lindberg (2012)
20. Shafron v ASIC (2012)
21. ASIC v Healey (2011)
22. Vines v ASIC (2006)
23. ASIC v Adler (2002)
24. Brunninghausen v Glavanics(1999)
25. ASIC v Rich (2003)
26. ASIC v Parker (2003)
27. ASIC v Loiterton (2004)
28. ASIC v PFS Business Development Group Pty Ltd (2006)
29. Hall v Poolman (2007)
30. ASIC v Australian Investors Forum Pty Ltd (No. 2) (2005)
31. State of South Australia v Marcus Clark (1996)
32. ASIC v Vizard (2005)
33. ASIC v McDonald (No.11) (2009)
34. ASIC v NRMA (2002)
35. ASIC v Plymin (2003)
36. ASIC v Cyclone Magnetic Engines Inc (2010)
37. ASC v MacLeod (2000)
38. Biodiesel Producers Ltd v Stewart (2007)
39. AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd v Direct Share Purchasing Corporation Pty Ltd (2009)
40. Wilson v Manna Hill Mining Corporation Pty Ltd (2004)
41. Wenzel v ASX Ltd (2002)
42. R v Rivkin (2004)
43. Kwok v R (2007)
44. Isak Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd v Faress (2003)
45. Capricornia Credit Union Ltd v ASIC (2007)