Reference no: EM131044046 , Length: word count:1000
Company law - Group Assignment and Presentation
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to:
• Recognise the laws relating to companies in Australia; and
• Examine the duties, rights and responsibilities of company officers
1. ASIC v McDonald (No.11) (2009)
Group presentation and assignment
Group oral presentation and visual slides-
Written Assignment: Identify the facts of the case
Written Assignment: Explain the relevant law relating to the case
Written Assignment: Discuss the legal arguments raised by the parties in case
Written Assignment: Summarise the judgement of the case
Written Assignment: Illustrate the role, purpose and scope of the relevant court, or tribunal.
Element in the negotiating process
: Nonverbal communication is a key element in the negotiating process. A negotiator can use nonverbal communication skills as a strategy to steer the process in his/her favor. For this discussion, propose strategies for using nonverbal communication..
Present a puzzle or challenge that motivates your research
: Analysis of comparative practices 1. Alternatives a. Identify alternatives in the field you are studying
Develop a global strategy plan for the company
: As a consultant, your have been hired by the Board of Directors of the company to develop a global strategy plan for the company. You need to make a recommendation (why, how, and when) to the board in regards to their existing and future global st..
Three-year contractual agreement
: On January 1, 2015, Jackson Delivery Services entered into a three-year contractual agreement with Purple Rain Digital Company. Pursuant to the agreement, Jackson Delivery Services is required to deliver to all Best Buy stores on Tuesdays and Fri..
Examine the duties and rights of company officers
: Company law - BBAL401. On successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to: Recognise the laws relating to companies in Australia; and Examine the duties, rights and responsibilities of company officers
Conflict between the police and the communities they serve
: The police in America have always been controversial. Today, perhaps the greatest controversy focuses upon police use of deadly force, but this attention also reflects concerns about racial bias in policing. Many critics and observers have calle..
Identify the inventory tracking method
: Use the Internet to research the annual report for at least two (2) merchandising companies. Identify the method that is used to track inventory. Next, watch A. Mursau's video:
Define statistics with citation and reference
: Define statistics with citation and reference. Contrast quantitative data and qualitative data with citation and reference. Evaluate tables and charts used to represent quantitative and qualitative data.
Discuss specifically how the rules do or do not apply
: Research the FRCP and e-discovery rules as they pertain to e-mail. Write a synopsis covering the topic: Describe the rules governing the situation.