Examine the dow jones industrial average

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Reference no: EM131773776

Question: Dow Jones Industrial Average The following table shows information about yearly lows, highs, and percentage changes for the years 2000 to 2009. Let L be the set of years where the low was greater than 8000. Let H be the set of years where the high was greater than 11,000. Let C be the years when the percentage change (from low to high) exceeded 35%.

(a) List the elements of L, H, and C.

(b) Is any of L, H, or C a subset of one of the others (besides itself)?

(c) Write a verbal description of C'.

(d) Find H' U C' and describe it in words.

(e) Find L' ∩ C and describe it in words.


Reference no: EM131773776

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