Reference no: EM133469072
The consumer relinquishes some control to the service provider while using cloud computing. The consumer relinquishes some control to the service provider while using cloud computing.
While the fear is reasonable, the fact is that cloud computing security is just as dependable as traditional on premise IT when properly handled.
Cloud computing risks are:
- Identity theft.
- Compliance violations.
- Data breaches and malware infections are two of the most common threats nowadays.
- Loss of customer trust and revenue..
The use of Internet-based social media sites to remain in touch with friends, family, coworkers, customers, or clients is known as social networking. Through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, social networking may serve a social, business, or both purposes.
Social networking risks are:
- Privacy invasion caused by cyberbullying.
- Pictures and statements that are objectionable to kids.
- Personal information theft.
- Presence of strangers who groom other members.
When you examine the implications of having so many distinct entry points into business systems, BYOD concerns become more obvious.
BYOD risks are as follow;
- Creates opportunity for data theft by hackers - Hackers will look for ways to steal data, and BYOD can provide them with an ideal setting in which to do so.
- Loss of device or its theft - If an employee loses or has a device stolen, it may quickly escalate from a little annoyance to a major disaster for the entire organization if they don't follow the firm's suggested security measures.
- Lack of employee training- Employee errors are responsible for a large number of security breaches. When it comes to protecting their equipment, they may not completely comprehend corporate standards.
- Potential legal issues - If a security breach caused by an employee's device results in the disclosure of sensitive information about your customers or business partners, your company's image might be seriously harmed. That might entail dealing with a variety of lawsuits from various parties.
- Infiltration of Malware - Your employees may not be diligent about segregating and safeguarding critical corporate data from anything else since they use their smartphones to download all kinds of information.
- IT in the shadows - Shadow IT, in which information technology is administered outside of (and without the knowledge of) the company's IT department, is also causing worry.