Examine the communication pathway

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133638696


Managers spend one-third of their time communicating up and down the organizational hierarchy. Communication is the transfer and understanding of information from one person to another. The communication model comprises several parts.

We want to examine the communication pathway or medium in which communication is delivered. The communication pathway is the way messages are sent, including:

  • Face-to-face meetings.
  • Electronic mail and online discussions.
  • Written letters or memorandums.
  • Telephone or voice mail, among others.

While some people may be better at using certain mediums over others, some mediums can be better suited for the specific message being conveyed. For this week's discussion, suppose you are a manager who needs to communicate several messages to employees of the company.


  • The CEO abruptly resigns after the news media reports that the CEO embezzled millions of dollars.
  • A plan to relocate the company.
  • The death of an employee.
  • The reassignment of one division to a new location.

Respond to the following for each of the messages above:

  • List the medium (telephone, email, text, face-to-face meeting, et cetera) you would use to communicate the message.
  • Explain why you chose that medium over the other possible mediums.
  • Then, consider the importance of the information conveyed in these messages. How might the choice of medium for communication impact trust and credibility among the employees?

Reference no: EM133638696

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