Reference no: EM132880479
-Provide one specific example (from the materials assigned this semester) that illustrates how women have challenged the priorities of the medical establishment by reclaiming their bodies and healthcare. Be as specific as possible.
-Why is it necessary to examine socio-economic status and race to fully understand the indices of health?
-Why do the assigned authors/theorists argue that the United States is not modeling proper maternity care as a developed country? Provide specific examples/statistics.
-In what way(s) do the authors/theorists support the argument that pregnancy can be used to control women?
-According to the authors/theorists, why is access to safe abortion a human right?
-In what ways does our society glorify the nuclear family and disparage people, particularly women, who live outside it? Provide specific examples from class readings.
-What is "compulsory heterosexuality" and how does the fear of being labeled lesbian deter women from acting and speaking freely?
-What is the "division of labor" around which our society is organized? Why do feminists argue that this powerful ideology is ultimately inaccurate?
-What are some ways that feminists have reimagined "marriage" and why? Be as specific as possible.
-Relying on the assigned readings/screenings from the past four weeks, provide specific examples of how art is used to convey a strong cultural message. What is the role of art in creating change?